Recent content by someone bad man

  1. someone bad man

    [v0.3] Sonic Kaizo Blast (Demo)

    oh no please no Is Srb2 not challenging enough? Are the challenge levels not challenging? Is Azure Temple the same difficulty as Greenflower? Then this is for you. Note that all of these levels are designed specifically for Vanilla Sonic. You can play as other characters but you wont be...
  2. someone bad man

    Someone's Bus

    Not to be confused with SRB2 BUS Welcome to my bus, where it's always driving and it goes on forever. Strap your bones right to the seat because you're in for a wild ride! And now, a quick rundown of the maps: BUS ZONE The main attraction. It also doubles as a match map! BUS CLASSIC ZONE...
  3. someone bad man


  4. someone bad man

    SRB2 Cursed Images

    Can you spot anything wrong in these images?
  5. someone bad man

    [v0.3] Sonic Kaizo Blast (Demo)

    Version 0.3 Released. This update contains small changes such as: -Title Screen Sonic has changed to a more 'beat up' version of him. -Egg Corperation has been corrected to Egg Corporation. -Deep Zone 1 has received some visual upgrades and a new not-so-secret room. -Credits now play at the...
  6. someone bad man

    Someone's Bus

    Not to be confused with SRB2 BUS Welcome to my bus, where it's always driving and it goes on forever. Strap your bones right to the seat because you're in for a wild ride! And now, a quick rundown of the maps: BUS ZONE The main attraction. It also doubles as a match map! BUS CLASSIC ZONE...
  7. someone bad man

    SRB2 Cursed Images

    2 images, 1 post. Cursed Rankings Cursed Items
  8. someone bad man

    Among Us Gametype [On Hold]

    I'm putting this project on hold. Don't know how long I'll be putting this on hold for, but for now I'm just going to show off a bunch of graphics, including a mockup of the voting screen.
  9. someone bad man

    Udgey Character Pack v9 : Sniper (TF2), Peppino & more

    Ah yes, my favorite Mario character: Bill Board
  10. someone bad man

    cant load KART resources in zonebuilder

    You can load resources in the KART format. When you're selecting resources, In a bottom corner there's a drop-down menu that says "WAD Files". Give it a click and you should see "Kart Files". Load "srb2.srb", "textures.kart" and "gfx.kart" and you're set to make SRB2Kart maps!
  11. someone bad man

    [v0.3] Sonic Kaizo Blast (Demo)

    Version 0.2 released. Major changes include: MAP03-EGG Corporation Zone 1 is now playable. And this level will get a revamp in 1.0. MAP02 and MAP06 (Really Dark City 2 and Deep 2) are finished. These two will also get revamps in 1.0. New funny death sound. Check the changelog above for details.
  12. someone bad man

    [v0.3] Sonic Kaizo Blast (Demo)

    oh no please no Is Srb2 not challenging enough? Are the challenge levels not challenging? Is Azure Temple the same difficulty as Greenflower? Then this is for you. Note that all of these levels are designed specifically for Vanilla Sonic. You can play as other characters but you wont be...
  13. someone bad man

    Among Us Gametype [On Hold]

    There will be tasks in the game. Some of them will be different from the actual Among Us.
  14. someone bad man

    Among Us Gametype [On Hold]

    Among Us has been ported to various games, so why not Srb2? I am remaking the MIRA HQ map from the game as it is the smallest and least complex of the three. I also have very little knowledge on Lua so until I have better knowledge on Lua I will get the game assets done before programming...
  15. someone bad man

    Introduce Yourself

    I'm someone bad and I make Srb2 wads and stuff. I also play Srb2 netgames. You even might have saw me once in them.