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    • Eggboy replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      I think he said "nutmeg your father" Idk man dalam bahasa Inggris ya? ---> "in English, huh?"
    • Eggboy replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      Just speculation but I doubt it'd be another year. by the time they finish up it'll be early next year at least. If it's the ranking...
    • Eggboy reacted to BlueBlurFans's post in the thread Modern Sonic V5.12 with Cool! Cool!.
      I just hope it doesnt get delayed anymore and it would be release around next year,I really dont want to wait for another year
    • Eggboy reacted to *GOOFYRAT!*'s post in the thread Modern Sonic V5.12 with Cool! Cool!.
    • Eggboy replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      Either way it wouldn't be cancelled, it wouldn't make a lot of sense despite the fact they've been working on V6 for years now. All that...
    • Eggboy replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      I wanna know what you guys think, since there's going to be a ranking system (I didn't even know about this until yesterday unless I'm...
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