Recent content by Delta-F2

  1. Delta-F2

    Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

    I'm happy to see that this mod is almost finished. By far the most anticipated mod of the year.
  2. Delta-F2

    SRB2 World Adventure (SRB2 Unleashed)

    This is by far one of the nicest looking level packs! I hope it goes along well!
  3. Delta-F2

    Modern Sonic V5.12

    I wonder why those spammers haven't been banned yet.
  4. Delta-F2

    Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

    Mods please lock this thread, it's nothing but offtopic shitposting at this point
  5. Delta-F2

    Modern Knuckles

  6. Delta-F2

    Unofficial Level Design Collab: ULTIMATE -- A SUGOI inspired pack!

    When will it be released once the deadline is over?
  7. Delta-F2

    (Current Project: SRB2 Encore Campaign) Twins uhhhhhhhhhh stuff

    Please people, can't you wait a month or two? Calm down, the mod's coming out eventually, please don't rush twins on this stuff.
  8. Delta-F2

    (Current Project: SRB2 Encore Campaign) Twins uhhhhhhhhhh stuff

    How are you going to change egg rock zone? That zone could really use some touching up.
  9. Delta-F2


    Could you AT LEAST give a description of the mod you're making?
  10. Delta-F2

    Neo Metal Sonic in SRB2... (WIP)

    Really excited for this.
  11. Delta-F2

    Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

    I wonder if he could have something like chrispychars where the emerald sprites are replaced by their modern designs.
  12. Delta-F2

    SRB2: The Arcade Levels (W.I.P)

    Do you plan on releasing a demo?
  13. Delta-F2

    [Open Assets] Junio Sonic

    He even has unused sprites for running on water when super