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    • BlueBlurFans replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      I just hope it doesnt get delayed anymore and it would be release around next year,I really dont want to wait for another year
    • BlueBlurFans replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      My modern sonic sprite become a ! when I do it
    • BlueBlurFans replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      does anyone have modern sonic v5 file with manual drift?I try doing it myself but it just doesnt work
    • BlueBlurFans replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      So uhhh......does anyone know what the situation of msv6?will it be released soon or did it got delayed again?
    • BlueBlurFans replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      well,now we just gotta wait for spork to decide which option he is gonna choose,I kinda hope that he saw everyone opinion here and...
    • BlueBlurFans replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      Option A is definetly the best one,all those impatient people can shut up and enjoy it and the devs/spriters can pretty much take as...
    • BlueBlurFans replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      so its either we wait longer and got possibly the ranking system to be finished or we got to play it sooner without (possibly) the...
    • BlueBlurFans replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      so what part actually isnt finished yet?I seriously want to know because that look like its already finish and playable
    • BlueBlurFans replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      I just hope v6 doesnt got delayed again,I waited for 3 years since 2021 when it was first announce,it was suppose to be a simple update...
    • BlueBlurFans replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      modern sonic v6 hype are slowly disappearing huh
    • BlueBlurFans replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      after v6 is released,im gonna mess around with the code and add some of the v6 code in to v5 to see if it can work
    • BlueBlurFans replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      I hope the drift animation can be customize,I prefer gens drift animation because it made sonic looks faster while drifting and just...
    • BlueBlurFans replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      I was hoping for it to be a single mod that support every custom characters,imagine how fast x sonic can go with a mod that can increase...
    • BlueBlurFans replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      I wonder why no one ever made a mod where rings can increase speed based on the unleashed rings mechanic(modern sonic v6 will be the...
    • BlueBlurFans replied to the thread Modern Sonic V5.12.
      Welp Since it got delayed,I hope frontiers sonic would be release first to replaced it for a while but anyway,V6 Going to be the best...
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