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Sonic X (X-Sonic) Progress

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blur has a life u know, gotta keep convo on the mod going somehow
I fully agree on the first part but... What do you mean "gotta keep the convo on the mod going somehow"?
You know that's... Not exactly necessary, right? This thread can exist just fine regardless of how many people talk on it at a time, you know.
Similar to what I said to niceomodblueblur, it's okay to just chill and not ask things for the heck of asking them. People shouldn't feel like they *have* to talk in a thread.
Not that there's no valid reasons not to say anything at all (like I said in a previous comment, if anyone wants to show their excitement, go ahead!), but like I said, I don't think it's necessary, y'know?
bro he BUSY, he's not gonna be reading everything here 24/7 and also X Sonic's move set has already been made so he wouldn't add anybody's ideas other than MAYBE an update or something. like you've gotta remember that he has a life outside of just working on X Sonic man.

(not trying to be rude or anything, tho i'm not sure how this sounds to other people)
Please chill. I am aware that he wouldn't always be reading the suggestion. I never insinuated that he didn't have a life or he HAD to adapt my suggestion, I was simply formulating a guess. That's all.
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Bud you are throwing suggestions left and right and many are more work that would delay this as is, most imo are sorta unnecessary as well given(as I've brought up before) there already exist a dark sonic mod full of mechanics that works on everyone meaning it would be simpler to just make this mod have more compatibility with that than try to force a whole new set of mechanics for what boils down to a gimmick form in some ways.

Just let the guy finish what he's trying to work on now since he also seems to want to get shadow done some time later as well. Trying to feature bloat isn't exactly a productive use of time for anyone.
Okay you're right. I should cool down with the suggestions, as some of them are completely unnecessary
No Like 75-80%
It's probably more than that now.
blur has a life u know, gotta keep convo on the mod going somehow
We don't need to keep talking about it. :blink:
Please chill. I am aware that he wouldn't always be reading the suggestion. I never insinuated that he didn't have a life or he HAD to adapt my suggestion, I was simply formulating a guess. That's all.
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Okay you're right. I should cool down with the suggestions, as some of them are completely unnecessary
Everyone needs to stop with suggesting things.
The development cycle is nearing it's end and suggesting things has no point to it.
Pretty sure the trailer shows everything he can do, so just rewatch it if you forgot if he has something or whatever.
I fully agree on the first part but... What do you mean "gotta keep the convo on the mod going somehow"?
You know that's... Not exactly necessary, right? This thread can exist just fine regardless of how many people talk on it at a time, you know.
Similar to what I said to niceomodblueblur, it's okay to just chill and not ask things for the heck of asking them. People shouldn't feel like they *have* to talk in a thread.
Not that there's no valid reasons not to say anything at all (like I said in a previous comment, if anyone wants to show their excitement, go ahead!), but like I said, I don't think it's necessary, y'know?
This precisely. While I came back to these forums for this mod, I'm fine just lurking for the most part, occasionally asking questions to sate my curiosity (or giving my own interpretations as to what I believe the design philosophy is if people ask about that), not just asking questions for the sake of conversation.

We don't need to be talking about the mod 24/7 (obviously we do need to keep discussions on topic for this thread, but we don't need to actively go out of our way to make the thread larger).
So BB how close is the mod being finished, just saying
Dude, just fuckin be patient man, shit takes time, trial AND error, not to mention that @BlueBlur has a life outside of working on X Sonic (not saying you said that, just stating the obvious) everyone here wants to take a crack at X Sonic but we just wait cause there's no point in asking randomly, we've just gotta wait til its done y'know? So in the meantime, just chill and wait it out man, there's no rush.
Dude, just fuckin be patient man, shit takes time, trial AND error, not to mention that @BlueBlur has a life outside of working on X Sonic (not saying you said that, just stating the obvious) everyone here wants to take a crack at X Sonic but we just wait cause there's no point in asking randomly, we've just gotta wait til its done y'know? So in the meantime, just chill and wait it out man, there's no rush.
dude chillout hes just asking about the percentage
If I remember correctly, in the comments section of the trailer Blue Blur said that you just need to keep falling to toggle the skydiving.
its gonna get pretty annoying to constantly fall on your face from not bouncing on a badnik from the skydive, but i guess we'll see how it'll end up when the mod releases
Dude, just fuckin be patient man, shit takes time, trial AND error, not to mention that @BlueBlur has a life outside of working on X Sonic (not saying you said that, just stating the obvious) everyone here wants to take a crack at X Sonic but we just wait cause there's no point in asking randomly, we've just gotta wait til its done y'know? So in the meantime, just chill and wait it out man, there's no rush.
Can you please chill out? You don't need to be that aggressive while writing entire paragraphs about why what they said is frowned upon.
Can you please chill out? You don't need to be that aggressive while writing entire paragraphs about why what they said is frowned upon.
i'm not angry though, i thought I've made that clear? given the fact that at the mid point when i said
"Not saying that you said that, just stating the obvious"

And especially towards the end when i said
"chill and wait it out man, there's no rush."

i wasn't trying to come off as angry or malicious, sorry if it seemed that way, but that wasn't the intent.
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