your first 100%

First 100% was either Spongebob BFBB or NSMB Wii. Can't exactly remember, but it was either one of those two games.
ooh! my firzt 100% waz onezhot (pc)! i zhould replay it zometime.. i mizz it <:"]
(my 2nd 100% waz ztarbound, but i cheated an achievement in becauze it waz inzanely difficult </3)
Not really 100% but i have all steam achievements in celeste and a couple of goldens that are the bane of me (FWGFWGFWGFWGFWGFWGFWG)
we're talking about 2007-2009 and considering i was born on mid-2004 it's a hard question, i'm guessing it was either a NES game or a Mario fangame

if not then it's highly possible it was Commander Keen: Marooned In Mars!, i remember being pretty consistent at that first game unlike the next ones that had some stuff that even today i struggle to complete
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It was probably Wario Land II on the original Game Boy. Either that or Pokemon Blue Version which took a long while to complete the Pokedex in it. Never did get all of the heart pieces in Zelda Link's Awakening.
First 100% was Super Mario 3D Land. The fact that you had to finish every level at the very top of the flag pole basically forced me to revisit the entire game on the first go, the final level was a treat though and I always liked the thank you at the end.
search it up. sonic x had an educational game
Huh, well that's new, i didnt knew this..
i have not done 100% in a game yet but the first time i beat a game was super mario run

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