Tortured Planet v9 (scmrtf_TorturedPlanet-v9.wad)

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Guys, you don't just "go ahead and SOC a miniboss", now matter how "good" you are (not to mention there's no "good" and "bad" when it comes to SOCcing). I have the feeling that some of you think that everything is possible with a SOC. It's not. In fact, SOCs are very limited.
Also, I might try openning SocEdit to see if I've got a "mysteriously hidden skill" in SOCcing xP
I really wanna try making minibosses.
Also, SpiritCrusher, I meant miniboss as in, a "boss" (You know, an enemy that's changing attitude to pinch on low health and doesn't die in about 2 hits like regular badniks) just that destroying it won't cause the stage to end, just a "door" to where the emerald/token is to open. IIRC, I've seen stages where defeating badniks opens doors. I don't see why it won't work with a "miniboss".
Also, I might try openning SocEdit to see if I've got a "mysteriously hidden skill" in SOCcing xP
I really wanna try making minibosses.
Also, SpiritCrusher, I meant miniboss as in, a "boss" (You know, an enemy that's changing attitude to pinch on low health and doesn't die in about 2 hits like regular badniks) just that destroying it won't cause the stage to end, just a "door" to where the emerald/token is to open. IIRC, I've seen stages where defeating badniks opens doors. I don't see why it won't work with a "miniboss".
I think that would certainly be possible. I've actually used the mechanic with normal enemies before. I just don't know if I want to hide the tokens that way.
Also, SpiritCrusher, I meant miniboss as in, a "boss" (You know, an enemy that's changing attitude to pinch on low health and doesn't die in about 2 hits like regular badniks) just that destroying it won't cause the stage to end, just a "door" to where the emerald/token is to open. IIRC, I've seen stages where defeating badniks opens doors. I don't see why it won't work with a "miniboss".
I know what a miniboss is, thank you. The problem is that the miniboss has to have some kind of attack pattern. And regarding that, SOCs are somewhat limited.
Or, you could make a big hidden room with many hard-to-beat enimies, when all of them are defeated a door opens to a Chaos Emerald. This could make finding the nuke shield much more rewarding. You could use the eggman SOC and change the sprites. Just making suggestions.
Nothing un-reasonable, The number should be affected by the type of enemy, and the zone.
Nothing un-reasonable, The number should be affected by the type of enemy, and the zone.

Or a ring count, really is 50 rings at the end of a zone not good enough now, we have to go on some huge stroll to find it! But seriously, maybe have a ring gate? You have people who speed run the first level after completing TP to try and get the emerald token, when in all seriousness a ring gate would add a bit of variety instead of some sleazy boss or a simple game of 'Kill the enemies'.

Also Fawfulfan, perhaps you could look at Water Halls from the OLDC for inspiration for AAZ? I mean after running around in it I thought it would be an awesome room for AAZ, maybe LGZ otherwise, I could just see a hallway through something like that where you have to cross the path without falling into a river or something?
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Hey, Fawfulfan, could you send me a list with all the songs I need to make? I can't remember what there is besides the Level themes, and I have some inspiration for things besides levels at the moment, but I can't remember what is needed...
Here's the list again. There are 32 tracks total.

Special Stage
Title Screen
Intro Cutscene
Pre-Zone Cutscene
Liftoff Gantry Zone's boss has a major bug that won't let me beat it.

When I fight Eggman and after hittting him a certain amount of times, he ends up flying away through the wall. He never comes back, forcing me to kill myself.

And what makes this worse is, this kept up for ALL OF THE FOUR LIVES I've had, giving me a game over. So I'm assuming he's just gonna do that every time I fight him. Also, I do recall having the correct version, (v8.4) so this must be a new bug.

Huh, that's weird... after another try at the boss, it seemed to work fine again. I guess you could ignore this post now...

Oh, and 300th post, huzzah.
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And that level was a freaking nightmare... ;_;
Oh, and 300th post, huzzah.

If you think that's bad then you're gong to hate both Spacewalk Zone Alien Armageddon Zone, I mean Lift Of Gantry is not that difficult. If you've done Egg Rock Zone Act 2 then this should be mostly easy in my opinion.
Along that train of thought, there is a change slated for v9.0 that should make Spacewalk Zone Act 1 a bit less frustrating. There will be a new Star Post just before the water-flipping section.

Of course, SWZ2 was always a bigger problem, but still, it's something.
Wait, you've got to LGZ3 with 4 lives?
Am I the only one who'se not speedrunning stages, to find all of the lives and collect over 200 rings each stage to get more lives...? I mean, I'm on LGZ1 (I keep restarting 'cause I can't finish special stage 7) with over 30 lives...
Wait, you've got to LGZ3 with 4 lives?
Am I the only one who'se not speedrunning stages, to find all of the lives and collect over 200 rings each stage to get more lives...? I mean, I'm on LGZ1 (I keep restarting 'cause I can't finish special stage 7) with over 30 lives...


When someone finishes a mod, makes speedruns with it or uses it for hanging out.
Oh, and I got all the emeralds by finishing and using Tails to get the emeralds in Sunshine Atoll act 1 repeteadly.
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