New 2D Sonic game "Sonic the Hedgehog 4" announced for 2010

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You know, I understand why they want the spinning feet (to be all classic, and all that other fun stuff), but slapping an overlay on, like this, just looks ugly. They need to speed up his running animation to keep up with the overlay. Might be nitpicking, sure, but it looks terrible regardless.

Yup, cause this is the only time when that happens in games.

And all you've seen is a picture, you haven't even seen the animation, how can you or anyone tell?
So the build up run animation is kinda awkward.
"oh hey that isn't the full running animation, the full one is much better"
So the full one is much worse.

EDIT: inb4 whiny faggots saying I can't complain about anything we've seen so far
If this were a 3-D Sonic game, I could understand why fans would be concerned. But this isn't 3-D Sonic and we've hardly seen anything. There's almost nothing to complain about yet they'll try their hardest to think of something to complain about, then they'll base a boycott around it, and what's even worse is not only does boycotting the game make no sense at this point, but how they're carrying out the boycott makes no sense. They're basically saying "Hey, let's teach Sega a lesson about something we're not even sure about by throwing money at them. That should teach them a lesson".

Pulled this from the Sega boards. I think this sums up most of the Sonic fanbase.

Oh, the running animation will look better in game. It'll be much smaller and harder to notice.
So you can't complain about the stuff in the game, but you can say the running animation is going to be good? What kind of logic is that?
It wasn't neccesary pointing out about the running animation issue. I do agree it does look.. bleh.

Talking about what everyone else on the Sega forum are complaining about(What we all thought was LOL for the past 20 pages). Day after day.
I'd understand if it were the blur from the Homing Attack, but this is just plain swinging on a vine. I really don't see how it belongs there in any way.
To be honest, I hate that effect, even when it's applied to the homing attack. Granted, it is somewhat realistic, but I personally think it looks ugly and can obscure the player's view in the 3D games. Here's what I think would be a better visual trick in the 3D games...


The object that's being homing-attacked upon remains clear while its surroundings blur (though the effect would be much less pronounced and all enemies, items, ect, would still be identifiable) to simulate speeding towards the object. Sonic, of course, would remain on screen. I thought that Unleashed perhaps had that particular effect.
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...That's even MORE obscuring and gameplay wrecking. I'll take the dash kthx

Also, I love how the wobbl-yness of the likes and dislikes, and the lack of friends and unanimous hatedom make the Sonic Cycle useless here.


Phase 2 is ALL OVER the place.
Sure, given SEGA's track record, it MAY suck, but who knows? Maybe they'll surprise us and it'll just be subpar at worst.
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The only way to break from the Sonic Cycle is to just be apathetic from the start. No expectations equals no disappointment, right?
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