Contest Discussion Topic (2.0.X)

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*I should've moved forward a little...*



A view of the entire shore in its crude, GFZ textured form.
:My unfinished singleplayer OLDC entry.

I never entered any maps, so I decided I should work on a little project:
I'm going to remake every Sonic 1 Level through this year's contests.

All the levels will include Sonic 3D Blast Music, but they will have design concepts from Sonic 1.
The Sonic 1 levels idea sounds cool, Tyler52. I eagerly await Labyrinth Zone.

I'd love to get some screenshots of my map Jell-O Factory up here, but it's currently not in any state in which to take pictures. Oh well, I will when it gets there.
Who-ah !
The person who made ​​Angel Pantheon, is not it ? Honestly, you're much improved since.
About "remake all the levels from Sonic 1", you think using the old music or remixes ? [Oh, it's Sonic 3D Blast Music, I've don't seen, thank you Spherallic.]

Me, I'd like to see how you will manage to create Star Light Zone, because it is a level that looks easy to build, but not at all simple, really.

Oh, and be still careful when you mix textures of GFZ and GHZ. You have to give them a feeling of "same texture".

And finally, last question ...
Will there :
- Executors ? ("gadgets", if you prefer. In nature, there is not supposed to put executors, but if there are passages in 2D ..)
- Cave ? (By "cave", I mean "inside the mountain". A bit like this place)


Oh ... I really want to make a level by seeing all this ...
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I never entered any maps, so I decided I should work on a little project:
I'm going to remake every Sonic 1 Level through this year's contests.

All the levels will include Sonic 3D Blast Music, but they will have design concepts from Sonic 1.

The Sonic 1 levels idea sounds cool, Tyler52. I eagerly await Labyrinth Zone.

Well, there goes my idea of remaking Labyrinth. I don't wanna be a copycat!


Good luck with your efforts, Tyler52!
...why not just make it anyway? It's not like we can't have two similarly-themed maps, otherwise all the GFZ clones would've been disqualified yonks ago.
Yeah, don't give up on your labyrinth Zone, Sperallic. I'm sure they'd end up completely different anyway. I'd love to see two interpretations of it.

And also, you aren't being a copycat, you're already working on one and he hasn't even started!
Who-ah !
The person who made ​​Angel Pantheon, is not it ? Honestly, you're much improved since.
About "remake all the levels from Sonic 1", you think using the old music or remixes ? [Oh, it's Sonic 3D Blast Music, I've don't seen, thank you Spherallic.]

Me, I'd like to see how you will manage to create Star Light Zone, because it is a level that looks easy to build, but not at all simple, really.

Oh, and be still careful when you mix textures of GFZ and GHZ. You have to give them a feeling of "same texture".

And finally, last question ...
Will there :
- Executors ? ("gadgets", if you prefer. In nature, there is not supposed to put executors, but if there are passages in 2D ..)
- Cave ? (By "cave", I mean "inside the mountain". A bit like this place)

Oh ... I really want to make a level by seeing all this ...

There WILL be 2D sections, I just have to find a way to make them look not-ugly. The GFZ textures are only temporary, as I need to make clearing for a "jungle" section.

Oh, and Spherallic, go ahead and make that map! It looks incredible!

As for SLZ, I'm going to give it a little "change." Let's just say that Sonic better wear a coat when he runs down the icy highway!
Yay, Spherallic took my advice* and is working on that level again! It looks really nice.

So uh, I've been too lazy to follow. When will the next contest be held? At the end of this month?
Retake olders levels is a correct idea ...but not more. We must open new doors, and try to find new themes for video games. For example, I guess SRB2 try Lime Forest-style. It is a kind of style I'd never seen in video games.

Of course, if you prefer keep the best for the end...
Hmm pretty level Spher.

Anyway, these '11 contests were completely HORRID, we need some developers (maybe admins) to join. At least we will not have completely horrid levels. Well, we need to make the shine OLDC had in 2010!
Then try to learn to make maps *Steel* maybe you are talented and you don´t know it.
Also nice level Spherallic.
I tried some pretty map attempts... It ended in fatal fail. I'm good only for judging, but for making...!

SpiritCrusher said:
I'll take Jan/Feb 2011 over Sept/Oct 2010 any day.

Okay... maybe except the last ones.
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