(This is kinda long so expect some typos and stuff cuz I'm a fast typer) Its pretty good but I have alot of gripes with it. The first is the characters which aren't exactly bad but each have a problem for me, like with sonics spindash being a momentum killer and not being able to roll and also not the adventure sonic mod, tails flight changed to more of a glide and the shooting is very bad and have some really stupid restrictions, knuckles is pretty much perfect except not having a diving ability in air and the combat is kind of not as satisfying as sa2 and being able to climb on ceiling slopes which is probably hard to make it work well (tho i think from mods like chaotix with espio or trip being able to stick upside down i think kinda make it possible but again probably not very easily,), rouge sprites are very outdated and about the same as knuckles, eggman is kinda the same as tails, and shadow is kinda just another sonic and also is kinda dymmed down from the shadow mod. I think alot of the problems with the characters are kind of understandable like the rogue sprites not being updated or making tails fly more like a glide to make the levels not super op, and maybe you can't use the adventure sonic mod or maybe you think it makes the experience more interesting with soemthing less accurate, but a thing i can't really get is not being able to play as a different character at least not very easily. Idk if that be easy to fix or not but it kinda annoys me. Going outside of that the levels are pretty much perfect for being both accurate and also different enough from the og game to make this mod more worth trying, but my only problems is that the camera not changing for moments like with the truck chase is a lil disappointing to me and I think using something like that new sol camera addon to show behind the player when the truck comes in at the stary would be really cool tho the truck would also probably have to come in a lil later to make it not just hit you when the camera turns since that just be kinda stupid. Speaking of getting hit I think the enemies collision is pretty cool and it feels more satisfying to defeat than base enemies, tho the collision can move you in a random direction you don't wanna be or stopping your momentum, and if you get any close to the main gun robot it will instantly hit you most likely without any time to hit it, and the flying gun robots don't shoot at all and when as tails or eggman you can't shoot underneath them or at least very close to them or in general can't hit anything far enough to not get hit by the main gun robot, and also the gun soldier robot (i forgor the name) sometimes just stays in place if it's killed still innits hit animation but not disappearing. And one more thing about the enemies, I think it be nice to have a lil more types of them like with their shield or the gold flying one that disappears at some point tho probably make the time of when it dissappears alot longer if that enemy is even possible, and also if the spriter is willing to make more varients. Going a lil back to level design i think there should be a lil more stuff to find like in stages like city escape or radical highway since you can walk ontop of the building, and I think having a kil more routes like in the modern sa2 mod would be cool too but it probably be alot of work, and I would also like to see some more smaller things like the welcome sign in city escape or that area in city escape were you finf the lost chao and the chao garden being an unlockable level or a multiplayer exclusive, probably as a hangout map with the main chao gardens and kindergarten along with the main lobby, the main chao stuff probably not possible but maybe also have some chaos sitting down in some places like decorations, and speaking of the chao keys from my experience do pretty much nothing but just be collectibles for the game. Other stuff I forgot to mention or simply just ideas i have are, the swingable polls which like alot of things are probably not here from limitations, the logo can have some touches to make it feel a Lil more polished, the title screen I think can look better if it were more like sa2 battles menu or the dreamcast menu, tails and eggman not being in their mech or having unique sprites whcih are probably to have more time with the main stuff like levels (tho maybe the mechs could be seen behind taisl and eggman but that's kinda just what I would do), both eggman and tails should also have a focus on first person or maybe make soek kind of charge up for the guns and change it to first person that way, maybe add a momentum mod to the game or maybe recommend a momentum mod since without one it feels very slow especially going down the many slopes in city escape, maybe there could be some secret master emerald shards around the stages that don't get detected but still count as getting kne fo the three shards and maybe you get extra points for it, maybe have some kind of omochao easter egg somewhere, have more big thr cat cameos if there isn't one outside of tails stage and if there already is then maybe make some unique sprites for some areas like in city escape and if there is then this mod is a 10/10, stages don't have a bottom or top graphic for their backgrounds, and maybe there could be some unique stages for multiplayer like in sa2 battle and maybe some unique charactersof that's possible. That's kinda about all the ideas, recommendations, and critics I have about the mod, I probably am asking way too much and maybe come across as rude, but I do really like this mod and h9w it's pretty much the first public usage of rail grinding in a level pack which is very funny cuz sa2 was the first time rails were a thing which makes this mod very cool if that was on purpose, and I think despite what I said about the mech stages they're actually kind of fun for being more fats paced and the shooting i think in the og was way too easy to be fun, and I do like that you can jump on the enemies noe that tails and eggman are out of their mechanics which kinda helps with my complaint that you can't shoot them underneath (tho it still is kinda stupid to me), and the level choices are pretty much perfect even tho they probably were choosewn from being each characters first level other than knuckles which is his second but like pumpkin hill is awesome and works well as a first level still and has alot of stuff I probably wouldn't imagine adding in like how the bottom of the stage isn't a death pit like in the og or some of the added parts to the stage which all feel authentic, it's kinda a representation of what I lvoe most about this mod tbh despite being only a demo and so new. So uh ig I would give this something like a 6 or 7 but as a demo it's a 9/10 for showcasing what is possible now vs the old sa2 level pack despite not being the full game remade. So uh yeah that's about it, see ya