
[Open Assets] RiddleJungle v1.1

After a long time testing it, I can say that this port is decent but not entirely playable. I have played this same map in SRB2 2.1 and I am only going to point out things that are inefficient in this port. Don't take this the wrong way, the original version will always be better. I say this so that whoever has made the port or who wants to make a port can improve in these aspects.

-There are triggers that are not working correctly to open a door, causing you to be trapped in the level. such as the case of the large door that is found when completing the first puzzle.

-After completing the 2nd puzzle, there are entities that can kill you if you get close to them. This does not happen in the original version. They simply tells you it's dialogue and that's it.

CHAPTER 6 El Infierno's Mansion:

The level was completely playable, I just saw a lot of texture errors (red walls and floors) that break the aesthetics of the place.

And finally, something positive about playing this mod in the current SRB2 version is that there are no rendering glitches or lag problems like in SRB2 2.1.

You ported 80% of this mod sucessfully, I praise you for it, not bad.
latest update broke alot of things in the map pack for some reason. and i really havent had any time to fix it sorry.
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everything about this mod is fantastic, from its setting, to its story, every last detail amazing! especially the music! i would love to have the soundtrack for this map (im gonna be honest..i asked the srb2 subreddit about the music..no luck..im honestly obsessed with it.)
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ok, i cannot beat this, the riddles are kinda convoluted and i had no idea what i was doing, but that's probably just me being dumb. but, for those reading this review, do not think i didn't have fun. i really liked this map.

i really, really love the vibe of the maps. however, it is a port so i will dock a star on that point since the maps aren't yours. however you did a great job with porting the theme to 2.2.

i love this kind of mod where it's kinda dark and there is some like lore or something, and it's what i would do in a map i would make (with less riddles, cuz my brain is dumb)

i knew i was gonna like what i was gonna see when i saw this overview, and you (and Hendrex) delivered.


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