I took some feedback about PAIN to heart, specifically concerning a lack of variety with the earlygame environmental hazards and an abundance of rock spawners in ACZ, and I changed PAIN accordingly where I could afford to, as described below
and I did a bunch of other stuff too
-moved the doors and goalpost chambers in the multiplayer boss reset chambers to where the spring custom maces are facing, making the existence of the goalpost more obvious once the door opens
-remembered to replace the golden whirlwind shield monitors in CEZ1 & ACZ2, and the golden elemental shield monitor in DSZ1, with 1k score monitors in ultimate mode
-made the titlemap's LSI thinner
-replaced the polyobject crusher in THZ1 that's invisible in software mode for some reason with a wave of vertical crushers; I would've used a turret instead, but its' range is something like half as long as I want it to be
-replaced the 3 crushers after the first set of starposts in THZ1 with a turret
-fixed a few textures in THZ1
-replaced the polyobject crusher in THZ2 that's almost invisible in software mode for some reason with a wave of vertical crushers, and earlier in the level, such that there's an environmental hazard between the start of the level and the starpost after the left turn after the goop jump
-made the crusher after said formerly-existing polyobject crusher somewhat easier, divided it into sections, and made half of them start at the top, and the other half start at the bottom
-removed the one crawla commando from THZ2; I'd forgotten to delete it before releasing PAIN
-replaced the crusher next to said crawla commando, which was after the deton hallway, with a wave of crushers that requires you to go from left to right as you run past it if you're amy or fang
-added a spike hazard to the elevator before the elevator shaft leading to the goalpost
-re-located 2 hive elementals in DSZ1 that were too close to a bunch of big floating mines, a pterabyte, and a crusher, and deleted said pterabyte
-re-designed the series of 5 crushers next to said enemies
-re-designed the crusher at the bottom of the pit in DSZ1 with the amy emblem at the top to be divided into 4 sections of haphazard heights and have spikes at the bottom as well as the top
-re-designed the 2 crushers before the end of the right(end's right) path in DSZ1 to be varied from other crushers in a way that I'm not sure how to describe
-re-designed many environmental hazards in DSZ2 to be more varied than before; I wish I could've afforded to effectively use more glaregoyles than I had
-corrected the facing of a few glaregoyles in a part of DSZ2
-corrected the facing of the spikes on the first part of the amy/fang waterslide
-moved a hive elemental in CEZ1 that was stuck behind a block enemies linedef that was placed in vanilla
-replaced the pyre flies in CEZ1 with an environmental hazard; it took me far too long to figure out how to effectively place that one... there ain't anymore pyre flies in CEZ now
-replaced a slow and easy-to-dodge mace hazard halfway through CEZ1 with 3 maces that spin in a cone
-added a mace hazard before the collapsing floor leading to the first starpost in the upper path at the start of CEZ2, and aligned a nearby sidedef
-replaced the egg guards under the bridge before the 1st starpost in CEZ2 with maces that swing in cones
-replaced 3 slow swinging maces in CEZ2 after the starpost after the far left path from the first starpost with maces that swing in cones, and corrected the lengths of the lower 2 maces
-covered up a sequence-break that I missed in ACZ1 with an avoidable environmental hazard
-replaced 2 rock spawner hazards in ACZ1 with diagonal blue spring hazards
-replaced 2 rock spawner hazards in ACZ2 with diagonal blue spring hazards
-replaced the 3 TNT barrels in the new path in ACZ2 with something that's re-usable and otherwise serves the same purpose; golden eggman monitors
-replaced the spikes on top of the zoom tube exit leading to the first 2D section in ERZ1 and placed a chain of 3 springs there to prevent the player from recklessly rushing forwards into the custom maces in the section before realizing that they're there, and aligned a few textures near that zoom tube's entrance
-added a green translucent block in front of the first door in ERZ2 with a single bee in front of it to attempt to illustrate to the player that the green stuff doesn't do anything to you, allowing you to run past them without worry when you're in a hurry in the left path
-replaced the new red springs to make the speedrun skip in BCZ1 harder with blue springs, which will cost the player more frames if the player messes up
-removed the first 3 pyre flies from the shortcut in BCZ1 with the super sneakers in it; if you can really handle super sneakers in that level, then you deserve the timesave
-decided to make BCZ2 be less PAINful by making the spikes, instead of retracting in a singular wave, retract in 2 slower waves of opposing directions, and by greatly reducing the number of bees that fly in from up the elevator shaft
-gave BCZ2 a new LSI to match the new spike arrangement
-changed the subtitles for BCZ2 & BCZ3
-added a new .gif in the mod overview of BCZ2