Legacy Shadow (Official Port)

Legacy Shadow (Official Port) V3

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Seems like that we have some port in our way..what might it be?


Yes,it's him!
Shadow from 2.1! (Now know as Legacy Shadow)
Proof that I got permission to port him is at the bottom of the mod page
But now... let's get to his skills, shall we?
When you are close to enemies, jump, and if a target appears on top of enemies, springs and monitors, press jump again

Chaos control
When not near an enemy, double jump 2 times, when standing you go up, and when moving you just go in the direction you are moving the keyboard, after using this skill you can HomingThok anything nearby , if you try Homingthok when you don't have a target to think about, you won't enter the rolling state and will mostly lose your rings. When using the skill, you can press the spin button to go down

Your traditional Spindash,but slower
And some extra things
If using the color Black (Which is Shadow's Prefcolor)
You'll get a cool yellow trail!

But if you aren't using it
You get the generic thok trail

And something that wasn't in 2.1
Nights sprites!

And now,here's proof that i got permission to port him

-Inazuma- He made Shadow
-MKFB- Ported the mod
-People on Discord- For Calling Inazuma Based
-You- For giving this mod a try!
Sailor Muffin
Extension type
File size
411.3 KB
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Latest updates

  1. I'm so so so so sorry

    V3 (The definitive version which fixes a lot of stuff) became V4 The drowing animation was being...
  2. The significant update

    Helloooooooooooooo people Releasing v2 with some bug fixes and some sprite addition Bug fixes...

Latest reviews

the definitive way to play 2.1 shadow pretty good mod
Upvote 0
It's A Shadow.
but little slow and old.

BUT that port is good.

interesting can you port a 2.1 ianzuma?
(if of course inazuma makes the over power oc chars pack, we dont be pirates!)
Sailor Muffin
Sailor Muffin
Because SilverHorn is almost releasing sooo..
Upvote 0
Okay port is good worked. 100 % But 2.2 Shadow much better sorry. But 2.1 Era is cool. Welcome Back in Srb2
Sailor Muffin
Sailor Muffin
I mean
He is 2.2 Shadow but with less functions
Upvote 0
Good port but isn't 100% accurate like shadow going in his spin state after homing attacking something unlike roll state in 2.1, otherwise Nice port
Sailor Muffin
Sailor Muffin
If there is anything in the lua relationed with the homingthok,i might try making it like the original,did he used the fall sprites after homingthoking? (Respond this in private or in the mod's thread)
Upvote 2