A soul for a soul
Quantum Jawz have been removed from the code -- While a fun idea at the time, it ultimately does little to contribute to any semblance of balance and makes Jawz more aggravating than necessary. In its place is now an exploit fix for a specific interaction between the Eggman item and SPB. Namely, the exploit where a player could slam their brakes before Eggman detonates to get hit by the SPB, only for the Eggman explosion stun to override SPB stun. This exploit makes SPB less of a threat than intended, and the fix remedies this by stripping the timer if you're hit by an SPB during Egg countdown. If this happens, the player will suffer an extra 50% spinout and 1.5x vertical momentum via SPB, keeping you in the air longer.
Normal SPB spinout: 4s
SPB spinout with active Egg timer: ~6s
This ensures the SPB will remain an adequate threat to the frontrunner and makes Eggman items more dangerous in dense item sets.