Hangout Mode

Hangout Mode v1

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Have you ever wanted to just hangout with other people in the server you're in, but you're too busy with getting to the end of the level? Are you a server hoster who wants your community to have a casual spot in-game, but can only host one server? Lucky for you, the best of both worlds is now available for you to use!

Hangout Mode is an addon intended for coop netgames that lets you quickly go into a safe mode whenever you need it, letting you relax with other players in someplace besides a dedicated hangout server.​

The addon uses two simple console commands:

hangouton - Enables Hangout Mode, disabling damage received and dealt to enemies. You are given a visual indicator so other players can tell you are in Hangout Mode. You also don't need to clear the level in Coop for other players to progress to the next level.

hangoutoff - Disables Hangout Mode by killing the player, giving an extra life so you aren't short of one. You also need to clear the level to have other players progress like usual.

Scripting Credits:

Kirber Burgy for helping with creating the console commands
Unmatched Bracket for helping with Starpost collision
ZarosGuth for helping with the Indicator moving with the player
Amperbee for helping with player-spawned object collision
luigi budd for helping with the level finishing mechanic
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