- What permissions do you give others to modify and/or maintain your submission?
- Modify: ASK ME - Maintain: IN MY ABSENCE - Others must ask me for permission before modifying my submission or use it in their own work, and I reserve the right to say no for any reason. However, if I can no longer be contacted, I give permission for my entire submission to be maintained by others.
dusa_an #: Changes how the announcer is handled with 5 choices available
0: Disables the announcer
1: Only Daytona USA
2: Only Daytona USA 2
3: Only Daytona USA CE
4: Random (default)
dusa_an_enable On(default)/Off: Enables or disables addon functionality to everyone on the server, only accessible to server owner/admin.)
Credit to DarkyBenji for being the one to have a great framework for an announcer addon + making it reuseable. https://mb.srb2.org/addons/f-zero-gx-narrator.2357/
Had to rewrite some of the kartstuff out as it's now just in the player variable and work in 3/2/1/GO being changed thanks to the dynamic POSITION feature.
There's also one new command as hellmaps aren't really in RR and I don't want to throw them away, you can now pick the race start quote if you want.
dusa_rs #: Changes the race start quote with the following
0: Start your engines!
1: The course is tough so good luck!
2: Randomly picks between the two (default)