Now that I got some folks pointing out some issues, here's some patches to 'em!
  • All minimaps have had their colors swapped; I didn't notice all the minimaps use white outlines on black roads now, whoops.
  • 3 Color Drive had its waypoints fixed, now bots should follow both lines properly and take the shortcut.
  • Galf Legacy and B A N A N A S M M M M have had their tripwires turned into U or L shapes.
  • Galf Legacy has had one of its secrets require a tripwire, as well as turning one unintentional shortcut into a proper one.
  • Galf Legacy no longer has POW signs anywhere but near certain tripwires.
  • B A N A N A S M M M M has had walls at the end extended higher, and some areas now have respawn planes.
  • B A N A N A S M M M M had its second tripwire be much larger and cover more area, both horizontally and vertically, so you can't simply hop the gate.
  • Maybe some other minor fixes I forgot about?
That's all for now! I'd like to make another map before my next update (unless a rather critical error comes up), so be on the lookout for that!