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hello!!! this is my first srb2 addon!!!! one day I made a 3d model of the dinosaur you play as when you can't connect to the internet, and i thought "hey this would be great for srb2" so i made this custom character. BIG thanks to Neon_Probably for guiding me through the character creation process, and creating the crouch code, that Ruby also helped create. without neon this literally would not have existed i cannot stress enough how grateful i am for his contributions.
anyways, about the character itself, chrome dino can run pretty fast and jump pretty high. he can crouch to fit in small areas but the best part is that crouching does not make you stop moving, just like the game. he can only hurt enemies by jumping on their heads though. im pretty sure that this character is like 100% finished.
as i said before this is my first character and also my first time writing a description for one so this will most likely change cause idrk what im doing :P
one last thing, beware of black core zone 2.