Cartoon Air Walk

Cartoon Air Walk V1.2 (a whole lotta bug fixes!)

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Ever wanted to see your character do that cartoon thing when they fall off a cliff? Probably not but here it is anyways. This addon makes your character float in the air for a second if they fall off a high cliff, and then they fall down. If you fall too fast, you'll take damage. This addon makes it a bit easier to save yourself when accidentally running off a cliff too fast but has risk too. Also its a goofy addon, what's not to like? If you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to tell me.

  • srb20006.gif
    6.3 MB · Views: 3,469
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5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Update on how the animations are going.

    I finished the falling animation for Sonic and Tails, I believe it could be improved if I could...
  2. Custom animations for the next version!

    I decided for the next update, I'm not really gonna work on fixing bugs or adding features. For...
  3. Just a lot of bug fixes

    Hey guys and gals! I didn't even realise but the old version was pretty buggy so I spent a bit...

Latest reviews

You are a genius
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The transition from Metals boss to the Final boss is awfully funny with this, it would be better if you could change how long your up with a command though
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