Armin Chesterfield

Armin Chesterfield 1

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"Come down and do best!"
Armin Chesterfield, the hero of the DOOM mod project Treasure Tech, is now available to play as in Ring Racers!

Featuring custom sprites and voice lines made just for Ring Racers, he'll be seeking out first place! (Or at least to stay out of last place!)

I hope you enjoy seeing him here in Ring Racers, and hopefully soon once again in Treasure Tech Land!

Stats for Armin are placed at [5,7]


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2 MB
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Treasure Tech is one of my all time favorite Doom mods, and I loved the demo for TT Land, so it makes me extremely happy to see the man himself here at last! Super expressive artwork as always, I've been loving his newer design!!

Wonder if he's disappointed that he can only carry 20 Rings at a time, compared to the other treasures in TTL...
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