First time I've ever done one of these, but there's a first time for everything. Here's a little Q&A about V6.0.
What is the state of V6.0?
Currently, Act 6 is nearly done, about half way. TDF Hangout has some assets which I might remove before release. Stuff that now when I look back at, I cringe up and want to remove them.
What is new besides Act 6?
Not much other than some new additions to TDF Hangout and TDF Hub, Maybe some more changes and fixes to other maps will come with V6.0.
When will V6.0 be released?
I'm going to try and shoot for an early April release if not earlier. I've been working on another project for a while now, so We'll see how soon V6.0 will release.
If you have any question's regarding TDF, ask them in the discussion tab!