Now having fixed the customizable menu controls not even working at all (they didn't when I made my previous reply on this thread), I would like to embed a YouTube video of it here followed by the "goOd sHit" meme thingie, but firstly, you can't embed YouTube videos on this forum (at time of writing), and secondly, I'd get an infraction for improper grammar or something like that, so I've put it in the description of the video instead.
So here's a link to the video. It shows me pressing a button on my controller, nothing happeneing, then setting up two of the menu controls onto it and using them, then that you can't bind two menu controls to the same key (despite setting the multiple control thing to "several").
What it does not show, though, is that the can't-bind-multiple-controls-to-same-key-thing doesn't cross over from the menu controls to the other game controls, meaning you can bind jump and confirm to the same key, for example.
It also doesn't show that I added a "setmenucontrol" command (for the same as "setcontrol" and "setcontrol2", just for menu navigation) or that what you set up does carry over if you close SRB2 and reboot it. And of course, it works with the keyboard and mouse as well, not just controllers.
Edit: It also doesn't show that if you bind two long key names to the same menu control, the added hardcoded control name at the start will overlap over the control name on the left, but with most key names, that won't happen, especially the practical ones to use.
I just need to do two more things before it's finished: Make the "open menu" key compare the "multiple controls" to the normal controls rather than the menu controls (you should be able to bind cancel and open menu to the same button, but not jump and open menu), and, unrelatedly, fix the "letting go of Shift while holding other Shift un-Shifts" bug I discovered while making this.