Your favorite weapon

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Which one is your favorite ring weapon? My favorites are: Automatic, Normal, Scatter, Rail and Bomb. The reason I don't like the other two is because I think they are pretty much useless BUT they can be useful sometimes.

I will put up a list instead. Do like Fawfulfan if you wish (his idea):

Normal Ring: A classic ring. I only use it when my enemy is near me OR when he/she just attacked me and is trying to collect my rings. 5/10.
Automatic Ring: A spam type triangle ring that is extremely painful if you or your enemy gets hit by it because it is very difficult to dodge these rings if spammed. I personally only use these when i have more than 100 rings. 8/10.
Bounce Ring: The most useless special ring weapon in my opinion. It's special ability is to bounce off walls or ceilings to hit the enemy. It's just like a normal ring with a slight decrease in firing-rate (thing) and with a new ability to bounce off walls. Never useful to me. 3/10.
Scatter Ring: Never kill this thing. This is a good replacement for rail and explosion rings when your enemy is near you. This ring can also be used effectively against super and a well aimed scatter can take away 50 rings. 8/10.
Grenade Ring: I can clearly see why this ring is considered uber. I, myself have never been able to use it effectively against enemies. Whenever I use it, my enemy dodges them VERY well. I'm still learning how to use it well. Useless against Knuckles and Tails in the air. 7/10.
Explosion Ring: I'm not very good with this one but I'm getting better though. It's usable while the enemy is near a wall or is at close range. 9/10.
Rail Ring: KICK YOUR ENEMIES BUTT WITH THIS RING!! The best ring in my opinion. I can use very effectively in Nimbus Ruins Zone and Meadow Match Zone. I love this one! I constantly use it whenever I have it BUT it's firing rate is so low that you might wanna go scatter or normal if your enemy is fast. 10/10.
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I like of the scatter, bomb and rail ring. The automatic ring spend rings very fast.The bounce ring are good in small and closed places, and the normal is just.... Normal.
I'll do you one better: I'll describe my opinion on each of the weapons in turn.

Normal Ring: Obviously the one I use most. No real opinion on it.
Automatic Ring: This weapon should be good in theory, but hardly anyone really implements it right in their maps. It needs a lot of ammo pickups to be effective, not to mention a lot of rings centered around the area where you get the weapon. Otherwise, it's just a fancy way to drain your rings pointlessly. So in general, I don't like it.
Bounce Ring: I kind of miss the Homing Ring. This one isn't that useful; in tight areas, it can make a lot of flash and thunder, but that's about it. I don't think I've ever actually hit anybody with it.
Rail Ring: This one's a classic, and I love it. I'm not great in netgames, but this is one of the weapons that I like using. Without it, there's really be no sniping, so you gotta appreciate the Rail Ring.
Explosion Ring: Another great oldie. I actually think it looked cooler in 1.09.4, when it created a burst of red rings, but it's still a great weapon and I still like using it. One good idea is to aim for the ground near an opponent. That way, it doesn't have to hit long as it lands close, you get a hit.
Scatter Ring: Far and away my favorite of the new weapons, and possibly my favorite weapon period. I love sneaking up on someone and blasting them from behind with this, and I also really enjoy firing it down a narrow corridor. This weapon is pure win.
Grenade Ring: It may be the most powerful weapon in the game, but I don't like it. It's really only effective when you can spam it; otherwise, players can just skirt around dropped grenades. And when you can spam it, it's almost a tainted victory, because it's so cheap. In my opinion, it should be made even more imbalanced in later versions of SRB2: its blast radius should be doubled, its fire rate should be halved, and its availability in levels should be decreased. Right now, it's not really the epic super-weapon it's supposed to be. It can't compare to other games' "ultimate" weapons, like the Redeemer in Unreal Tournament, and while it probably never will, I think it should at least come closer to doing so.
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Red Ring: It's okay, I guess. I can play an entire match with them if I have to, but I'd rather be armed with something else most of the time.
Auto: Usually needs more rings than it's worth to be effective - to be it's downright suicidal at anything lower than 30 rings, but if you stay out of trouble long enough I find that spraying rings in an arc makes it very difficult to dodge. It's just not my style, I guess.
Bounce: Basically it's a red ring that doesn't get caught on walls. I like these. Give me a narrow corridor and things get even better. For the most part I don't even use the bounce traits deliberately though, I just use it as a more lenient red ring and hope some collateral occurs if I miss.
Rail: My aim is dreadful with this thing, so I avoid it any chance I get.
Explosion: Probably my favourite. Because I main Tails, I just love to get the height advantage and rain splash damage down on everyone. I have a habit of using it as a camping and close-quarters weapon too for some reason.
Scatter: I just spam these for the most part. These are okay because of the negligable ammo drain, but my ability to track targets with it is, while better than the Rail, still not perfect. I simply can't bring myself to use it in close quarters, partly because people move too fast to hit them that close and partly because throwing a bomb ring at my feet seems to work better.
Grenade: I can definently see how this could be considered overpowered, but I haven't learned the trick to it yet. Occassionally I've managed to bait players into a chase before shoving one into a blind corner, but most of the time I just drop them at chokepoints and utterly overestimate their timer, causing them to detonate before anyone comes even close to one. Need more practice with these.
Normal Ring: This one I tend to use way too much, and I forget that the other types are there at all. 5/10
Auto Ring: This one is amazing, but I seem to forget that you can't continuously fire this ring. 8/10
Bounce Ring: This one I don't use very often, mainly because I don't really see the point of it. It's just kinda meh to me. 5/10
Rail Ring: I like this one, but it's too slow to do much for me, so I don't use it very often. 7/10
Bomb Ring: This one I use pretty often, and it's quite effective. 9/10
Scatter Ring: I quite like this ring, but it's a bit odd to use. 7/10
Grenade Ring: I have figured out how to sort of aim this ring, if you hold the fire button down, it won't fire until you let go. This will make the ring go farther. 8/10
Red: To be honest, I avoid using this as much as possible. While it is useful in a pinch, I always run from a fight and grab a weapon panel/ring whenever possible.

Auto: Useful, but awkawrd. It's suicidal to use if you have less than 30 rings and if you intend on turning super that match, then it has the potential to cripple your ring poole while super. (Not to mention the disaster that occurs if a player fires this while super)
But, this ring has its uses. It's a great way to cover a large area of ground with a lot of rings and if enough rings are at hand and the terrain is right, it can be pretty much undodgable. But that's a lot of rings for 50 points.

Bounce: Brilliant, this thing serves as my red ring. If I'm being chased, then I can just run into a corridor and spray these to deter the opponent from chasing me, that and, as Blacklightning has already covered, it is a red ring that doesn't clip on walls, which is lovely in tight rooms and corners.

Rail: Oh wow, this weapon is enjoyable to use and very satisfying to hit people with. Especially in the middle of a heated fight, but I find it very, very, frustrating to be hit by this weapon. Enough to make me grit my teeth at least. There's no opportunity to dodge if the player is scarily good at aiming this weapon, erratic movements can only go so far.

Bomb: Great weapon to hit running players with, look at where they are going and spray bomb rings towards the corner or item they are running towards. Very effective strategy, especially if it is a Chaos Emerald. Thank you splash damage!

Scatter: Close range Scatter = satisfying and fun, and a great way to steal the other player stuff! That and being hit by a close ranger scatter on Nimbus Ruins makes you a dead man, a dead man indeed. That and its a great way to compensate for c-lag, run into a room and fire away!

Grenade: This ring is overpowered? Stop running blindly into it! But, that aside, it's a great weapon for CTF defense. Although, one thing bothers me to no end. It's impossible to tell if a grenade ring was placed by a member of your team, or a member of the opposing team. I understand why the same color is used for both, as due to the fast paced action of SRB2, the different weapon rings need to be have distinctive colors to make them recognizable at a glance and creating red and blue grenade rings would cause them to cross color recognition territory with the red ring and scatter ring. But it is still a nuisance to be hesitant about rings placed by my own team members.

Now then, which is my favorite? Well, I would have to go for the bomb ring. It's a real... Blast
opinions tiem, in order from worst to best

Red Ring: Obviously the worst weapon, I only use it if I don't have anything else.

Bounce Ring: This is also rarely used for me, because I rarely play on cramped maps. However, I prefer this over the Red Ring because of the bounce properties.

Automatic Ring: I don't use this one that much either, but it's quite rewarding sometimes, when you have a lot of rings.

Scatter Ring: I kinda like this one. It's way better than the deafult ring, and the knockback is a nice bonus.

Explosion Ring: This ring is pretty powerful. I regularly use it, and I score a lot of points with this weapon. However, I do think it's overpowered, because literally half of the hits in SRB2 netgaming are scored with this ring, as far as I know.

Rail Ring: Oh god YES. This is by far the best weapon for me, and I score a lot of hits with this. It's hard to use sometimes, but it is so rewarding, and I especially like to try sniping people from really far.

And because I like to be special, I'm gonna give my comments on various other powerups too. Again, ranked in order of preference.

Whirlwind Shield: I do think this is the worst shield, but a shield is always helpful. However, the double jump does come in handy sometimes.

Attraction Shield: This shield is slightly more useful, but it's useless against the slime in NFZ and in all stages with a moderate amount of water. However, it's almost overpowered when you're super.

Elemental Shield: flametrail spamming gogogogogo
Anyways, this shield is quite useful almost everywhere, it might be a little too overpowering in the match rotation.

Force Shield: I absolutely love this shield. I like how it takes two hits, and the reflecting of weapons is really handy in some cases.

Armageddon Shield: Easily the best shield in SRB2, this always gives me a lot of points, and it's range is really good.


Teleporter: I don't care about this one. I do like telefragging people, however.

Recycler: This is the worst powerup in SRB2. By far. Really, I always get worse items than I already had. ALWAYS. It is handy for desupering people sometimes, but otherwise I cannot stand it.
Bomb, scatter, and grenade are all fun to use. Bomb seems to be the only particular weapon designed with Tails in mind, scatter with Knuckles is really powerful, and grenade is perfect for getting rid of pursuers. All of the weapons are good though, so I don't really have any dislikes.

Recycler: This is the worst powerup in SRB2. By far. Really, I always get worse items than I already had. ALWAYS. It is handy for desupering people sometimes, but otherwise I cannot stand it.

I really do think this is the worst item in the game. If it was limited to swapping power stones and invincibility/speed/gravity, I think it'd be fine. Shields and weapons are something you earn.
My favorites would be.

Bomb Rings: The most useful weapon in the game, If you can't hit your opponent directly, you can always hit whenever he/she is standing. :D

Rail Ring: Just amazing, It reminds me about the most epic weapon ever Created (IMO) the Sniper Rifle.

Grenades: This is just wonderful, you can leave some of these near an Item Box, and kaboom!.. If someone hits the Item box they will get hit by your little surprise XD

Honored Mentions: Automatic Ring, Bounce Ring and Scatter Ring (which means, I like all of the weapon rings.)

Recycler: This is the worst powerup in SRB2. By far. Really, I always get worse items than I already had. ALWAYS. It is handy for desupering people sometimes, but otherwise I cannot stand it.

F***ing Quoted for true!
Spherallic, what do you think of the Grenade Ring?
Wait, that's not in my above post? I swear that I wrote down my opinion on that...

Anyways, I think it's not really as overpowered as Explosion, but it's still an easy and powerful weapon. I rarely use it to be honest.
I really like using the Scatter Ring in hallways. If you rush and angle your shots so you make a big wall, you can really stop people from getting somewhere and get a lot of points.
Bounce Ring is very fun to use when combined with the Scatter Ring.

The Rail Ring is fun to snipe people with, though I'm terrible at it when I'm moving as well.
The Auto Ring runs out too quickly to be useful for me. I never use Grenade or Explosion Rings.
Normal Ring: This is my least favorite weapon. I only use it when I have to, which is pretty often.

Automatic Ring:
This weapon is okay if you have rings to spare, but other than that it basically drains all your rings so I don't use this weapon often.

Bounce Ring:
This weapon is pretty much the normal ring except it bounces off walls which really comes in handy if you are in tight areas. Other than that, I don't like this weapon that much.

Scatter Ring:
This is my favorite weapon of all. It has a pretty decent attack range and if your close enough you can send your enemies flying.

Grenade Ring:
I almost never use this weapon. If someone is chasing me I'll use it, but other than that I just don't like it.

Explosion Ring:
This is another one of my favorites. The explosion helps increase the range of the attack, which is pretty useful.

Rail Ring:
Although I can't really snipe anyone with this weapon that well, I still find it so satisfying sending people flying with this weapon, especially in Nimbus Ruins Zone.

Overall, the scatter ring is definitely my favorite weapon ring.
I like using the Explosion Rings more often than not, although I forget most of the time to aim down a little so that I can use it to bomb nearby opponents. Most of the time it's very hard for someone to dodge an explosion aimed down. (Trust me, I speak from experience.)
Red Ring: Perfect for bashing out total noobs, but not for my normal multiplayer gameplay. This is good for a start I guess. I don't use it that much because I mostly use the quicker rings (Automatic/Rail). So I don't have much to say about this except it's good if you're playing with someone totally new. It's probably like the toned down version of the Automatic Ring, and I can use it to spam sometimes while running around.

Automatic Ring: I don't really like this as a favorite weapon, but I don't see the purpose of blasting 5 (I think?) rings at a time. But the speed of this is perfect. The only con is losing your rings if not used carefully. I'd get myself the most rings I can get before using this, and reserve this for something really intense. Like someone who has your flag or something. If I want to use this, I go on a shield hunt.

Bounce Ring: I mostly play in wide maps, and whenever I use it I feel that it doesn't do any harm. I'm having trouble with aiming it to make it bounce to the right direction, so I don't use it that much. I do find this useful in Noxious Factory, Thunder Citadel and certain areas of Desolate Twilight. It's great scattering this around, though.

Rail Ring: I like this weapon because it's balanced. You get a power-packed shot, but you can't fire rapidly. Which is good because you can't spam it. I love surprising other players with this ring and it's quite powerful for Meadow Match (which makes it unfair and unfun. Boo hoo).

Explosion Ring: Probably my favorite because like Rail, it's fun surprising people and the added knockback gives you the extra time to escape. It's quite useless at times because it has a slow firing rate.

Scatter Ring: I kinda like this one. I use it mostly when I'm chasing after someone and just try to fire it as much as I can, while changing direction.

Grenade Ring: You can say this is powerful because someone can always run into it, but it's also useless for most parts. I'd like it if you can shoot it farther, and if it could stay there longer instead of exploding after a few seconds. It's good for placing this around the level, running around and just firing them.
since I don't really play much CTF or Match on this game (i only play coop/race/tag/H&S), its a bit hard too say. But from what Ive played with I think my favorite weapon is the scatter ring. I also like the auto ring but you need lots of rings.
Bomb and Scatter. Bomb is slow... But stronger than other weapons.
Scatter? 5 rings - 1 ammo. Fast, Strong, Happy!
Grenade: This ring is overpowered? Stop running blindly into it! But, that aside, it's a great weapon for CTF defence. Although, one thing bothers me to no end. It's impossible to tell if a grenade ring was placed by a member of your team, or a member of the opposing team. I understand why the same colour is used for both, as due to the fast paced action of SRB2, the different weapon rings need to be have distinctive colours to make them recognizable at a glance and creating red and blue grenade rings would cause them to cross colour recognition territory with the red ring and scatter ring. But it is still a nuisance to be hesitant about rings placed by my own team members.
Red and blue grenade rings? Grenade rings have a green centre, maybe that could be made red or blue. Distinctive, yet also informative.

Normal: As weak as you'd expect an emergency weapon to be, can hit with good aim and luck, but anyone who doesn't have a flag can easily use their special ability to avoid them. A 9/10 for general balance.

Auto: The ultimate way to say "I have over 9000 rings, guys!" Can sometimes be a bit tricky to hit with, as all it basically is is normal rings up to eleven, but it eats rings and ammo stupidly fast. I'd give it a 7/10, but your mileage may vary.

Bounce: Pretty good for cramped spaces, but could last a little longer, about one bounce or 0.5 seconds or so. Trick shots are also possible, but tricky. 6/10 for situational win/fail quotient

Rail: The famous non-scoped sniper rifle of SRB2. If it hits, it hits. You dodge the opponent's crosshair, not the ring. 8/10, with an extra point for the low fire rate balancing it.

Mmm... BOMBS!?: Sometimes even better for defending narrow corridors then the bounce ring, and is definitely faster than the mine... uh, grenade ring. Especially useful in the Lime Forest CTF map, although you do need to find it in the water passages. 9/10 because it's my personal favourite.

Scatter: Like a shotgun, it has a lot of punch close up - but this being SRB2, the spread is useful in it's own way, rather than a drawback. 8/10 because I'm getting lazy.

Grenade: Useful for chokepoints and chases, but I have to say... overpowered? Really? Protip: you can even jump over them. But they are useful for putting in corners or blind spots. 10/10, just because it needs more (PK) love.
Old topic, but I thought it was interesting, so here goes:

-- Normal Ring: Considering you can always fire this ring even when a different weapon is armed (via Fire Normal Ring), this is invaluable for close quarters encounters when an unwieldy weapon such as the Rail Ring is armed.

-- Automatic Ring: Great for dispensing Supers, provided you can gather the needed rings - which is difficult when a Super is running around in the first place. Lots of fun when you have an Attraction Shield as well. However, I usually end up firing it one ring at a time, using it as a faster-firing Red Ring of sorts - as such, it's usually what I have selected when nothing else is available.

-- Bounce Ring: As someone said earlier, I find this useful as a Red Ring with collateral damage potential. Other than that, I'm neutral on it, overall.

-- Scatter Ring: Fun to use up close, and good hallway coverage. Otherwise, I don't really use this weapon much.

-- Grenade Ring: Great for defense. Kinda neutral on it otherwise.

-- Explosion Ring: Personally, I feel the explosion radius is slightly too high, because this weapon kicks obscene amounts of ass. My usual choice for mid-close range encounters.

-- Rail Ring: This weapon wins. Standoffs with other Rail-savvy players are probably some of the most intense matches I've ever played.
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