Family Guy has really really REALLY gone downhill lately.
Peter went from being a caring but rather misinformed (and dumb) guy to being a full out retard.
Lois used to be... uhh there? Now she's a nymphomaniac.
Brian used to be the intelligent voice of reason, now he's an author avatar who does nothing but tack on MacFarlane's views of everything into the show.
The kid whose name I can't remember... well... uuuhhh... I have no idea what he used to be and what he currently is.
Meg is now a punching bag for no reason.
Stewie went from being an evil mastermind (but helpless) obsessed with killing his mother to "BRIAN'S OH SO OPPOSITE COUPLE (wackyness ensue xD)", and they also made him gay for no reason. (Not complaining, but the sudden jump was kinda weird, there was not much hinting that it would end up like that).
So there goes my rant on the show. It's still laugh out loud funny sometimes, but now it only relies on shock value rather than actual clever gags.