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No it isn't out yet, and the release date hasn't been determined yet. I need some help with the wadding, so I'll just start up a topic. First of all I need some help with the face link, and that name thing. I just don't get those. Here's what I have so far though:
name = Xykemic
face = http://img125.imageshack.us/img125/8881/mickeync4.png
facename = http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/8860/xykamicqi4.png
ability = 4
normalspeed = 20
thrustfactor = 1
accelstart = 192
acceleration = 20
spin = 0
startcolor =
jumpheight = 95
boxindex = 0
highres =
runspeed = 10
runonwater =
allowsuper =
superspin =
supercolor =
nojumpspin =1
superanims =
multiability =
lightdash = 1
homing =
ringslinger =
slingitem =
spinitem =
thokitem =
actionspd =
waterskp =
mindash =
maxdash =

Right now, I'm looking for sprite, I have to worki on this part later, since I consider this part to be mostly easy. I don't need help creating the actual wad, I know there's a program for that. I just need help with this part right now.
I will help.
First you need the XWE program with its latest beta.
You need to rename those pictures to something along the lines of
Then after you have put your S_Skin and those two files into a wad; you link them like this:
facename = MICKNAME
Thanks for the help, okay lemme just do a quick search for XWE.

Edit: Ah crap How do you edit the files with XWE, this is my first wad.

Okay, I've udated this, now it's for the easy part. All I have to do is get some images.

name = Xykemic
face = XYFACE
facename = XYNAME
ability = 0
normalspeed = 19
thrustfactor = 4
accelstart = 192
acceleration = 50
spin = 1
startcolor = 247
prefcolor = 5
jumpheight = 100
boxindex = 2
highres = 1
runspeed = 20
runonwater = 0
allowsuper = 0
superspin = 0
supercolor = 0
nojumpspin = 1
superanims = 0
multiability = 1
lightdash = 1
homing = 0
ringslinger = 1
slingitem = 152
spinitem =
thokitem =
actionspd = 45
waterskp = 0
mindash = 30
maxdash = 90

Now all I gotta do is buy KH2, and rip some images.
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