Xbox Unveiling

Will you watch the Xbox Unveiling?

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Bah, it's just another console to make the minds of innocent gamers go mush. *shot*

It looks cool, though... No, I didn't watch it on TV.
Well, of course it sucked. You'd expect any less from MTV? And no, I didn't watch it.

Well, I looked at the website, and I must say... It's quite a spiffy peice of hardware. I find it odd that they have no pictures of any games at all, though. Oh, and is it just me, or does the controller look like a Dreamcast controller from behind?
I heard that they showed some game previews last night. Stuff about some Madden game, mostly.
Actually, most of the "Preview" was Perfect Dark Zero, and even then it wasn't much. Because MTV sucks.

GameSpot has videos of this "Full Auto" or whatever it was called that Sega's workin' on, though.
Of course they showed games. :P The detail in Madden was amazing. There is a new Perfect Dark coming out for it and Quake 4. Plus Sega has a new awesome horror shooter to try to get fans to forgive them. :roll: There is a couple others too. Im sure alot of stuff is going to be revealed next week at E3. The communication abilites are amazing too. For example I could talk to Ritz via high speed HD Video. Or I could even play a game of Halo with HotDog while on a vacation in New Zealand. The possibilities are endless. But I also want to see what Nintendo and Sony have to offer too. Or maybe a new Sega System. Probably not. :(
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