I tried to find all my posts, and i saw this:
Don't stretch the tables
Could not insert search results
SQL Error : 1062 Duplicate entry '322082196' for key 1
INSERT INTO phpbb_search_results (search_id, session_id, search_array) VALUES(322082196, '7d857e4516dd3202310c8530b4a59486', 'a:7:{s:14:"search_results";s:2042:"28764, 28765, 28767, 28770, 28775, 28827, 28828, 28845, 29391, 29393, 29395, 29404, 29406, 29411, 29537, 29538, 29540, 29542, 29568, 29646, 29688, 29745, 29746, 29749, 29792, 29793, 29794, 29854, 29856, 29862, 29946, 29966, 30087, 30101, 30103, 30293, 30297, 30298, 30441, 30450, 30508, 30601, 30604, 30605, 30611, 30709, 30734, 30747, 30753, 30760, 30761, 30894, 30895, 30900, 30902, 30904, 30906, 30909, 30910, 30923, 30924, 30926, 30928, 30929, 31231, 31235, 31236, 31237, 31246, 31250, 31253, 31265, 31271, 31370, 31372, 31409, 31410, 31412, 31447, 31449, 31479, 31482, 31488, 31631, 31643, 31648, 31652, 31657, 31700, 31701, 31703, 31709, 31719, 32750, 32751, 32752, 32753, 32757, 32853, 32875, 32877, 32945, 33005, 33009, 33015, 33025, 33026, 33101, 33102, 33187, 33189, 33192, 33199, 33221, 33223, 33225, 33226, 33233, 33326, 33442, 33654, 33657, 33733, 33736, 33741, 33747, 33751, 33814, 33826, 33827, 33829, 34008, 34012, 34015, 34019, 34087, 34096, 34263, 34270, 34272, 34274, 34276, 34282, 34284, 34290, 34293, 34295, 34299, 34308, 34317, 34334, 34339, 34386, 34388, 34390, 34408, 34409, 34410, 34413, 34418, 34421, 34423, 34426, 34429, 34432, 34439, 34442, 34459, 34460, 34547, 34551, 34552, 34554, 34588, 34611, 34612, 34614, 34615, 34623, 34629, 34630, 34644, 34905, 34929, 34933, 34937, 34941, 34942, 35032, 35034, 35165, 35168, 35170, 35174, 35178, 35231, 35270, 35294, 35296, 35801, 35812, 35816, 35829, 35858, 35871, 35873, 35980, 35991, 35996, 36058, 36060, 36066, 36119, 36121, 36230, 36231, 36350, 36353, 36381, 36382, 36385, 36387, 36391, 36393, 36394, 36398, 36400, 36416, 36419, 36426, 36511, 36513, 36515, 36516, 36517, 36519, 36520, 36530, 36532, 36541, 36542, 36547, 36548, 36553, 36556, 36568, 36569, 36576, 36582, 36588, 36591, 36592, 36596, 36602, 36610, 36612, 36691, 36704, 36856, 36868, 36874, 36890, 36892, 36894, 37071, 37129, 37140, 37154, 37157, 37165, 37219, 37221, 37227, 37228, 37233, 37247, 37250, 37271, 37275, 37338, 37410, 37474, 37477, 37484, 37494, 37499, 37511, 37527, 37528, 37543, 37549, 39586";s:17:"total_match_count";i:292;s:12:"split_search";N;s:7:"
Line : 700
File : search.php
Don't stretch the tables