Chaos Knux
Daww, a mother and her foal
Yes, I'm duplicating yet another RetroNews thread.
Sonic Retro's The Government said:
So yeah. For those who haven't been keeping up, WikiLeaks revealed last month that they had obtained and decrypted an airstrike video that the Pentagon really didn't want getting out. Something so bad that the folks working on the leak were being tailed and watched extensively by US and Icelandic intelligence forces. One person was even detained while their computer was seized.
Well, difficulties aside, today they finally released it. (slow/spotty connection, probably being DDoSed or otherwise fucked with)
and here's the raw, unedited footage on youtube
The worst part? This isn't anything special. It's been going on for years now. There are probably thousands more of these videos. Yep, just another day at the office for our brave Troops. God Bless Them!
I could go into a big long rant about how this is all completely reprehensible and outrageous. I could write a fucking book about how everyone from the enlisted morons pulling the trigger to the generals to fucking Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld and Obama and whoever else is responsible for creating and prolonging this mess should be tried for war crimes and imprisoned for life, but I shouldn't have to do any of that. It should be pretty obvious to anyone who isn't a worthless pro-American sack of shit why the wars and the military are disgusting. Hell, it should have been obvious long before now, but who knows - maybe some otherwise decent people were still laboring under the delusion that there was something noble or respectable about all this. Maybe watching this video will make them reconsider.
I think I'll just wait for the inevitable posts from said pro-American sacks of shit, apologizing for these soldiers and defending their actions, and tear them a new asshole, one by one. (and no, those weren't AKs or RPGs. They were cameras and tripods. There was no hostile activity. If they were taking fire prior to this video it wasn't from the people they massacred)