Why is it that my game progress resets depending on what config file I use?


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I've recently found a problem with different cfg files being used in a single installation. I have 3 different cfg files for each of my controller mappings (so I don't have to go in and re-bind everything every time I use a different controller). However, each time I make a new cfg file, each of those files seem to have their own save data too. All of my main-game save files remain intact, but I really don't want to keep re-collecting all the emblems that didn't transfer over. Is there any way I can work around this??
Also, I'm using .bat files to start each different configuration, I'm not renaming files or doing it directly from the command line
So, I took a look into my SRB2 directory, expecting to find different .dat files for each batch file I was using, but nothing stuck out to me. These are all the .dat files I could find:
None of the subdirectories yielded any results either. I even looked inside the cfg files themselves, but couldn't find any settings about writing to different files.
So, I took a look into my SRB2 directory, expecting to find different .dat files for each batch file I was using, but nothing stuck out to me. These are all the .dat files I could find:
None of the subdirectories yielded any results either. I even looked inside the cfg files themselves, but couldn't find any settings about writing to different files.
That looks normal. Could I see some of the .bat files in question?
The one that I'm currently using consists of this:

@Echo off
srb2win.exe -config xbox.cfg

The only other one I have is just the same thing but with the destination filename switched out:

@Echo off
srb2win.exe -config n64.cfg
I just recently figured out that I don't even need to use .bat files; I could just create a script with a series of setcontrol commands and load them as necessary. This is also better because it won't mess with my other settings.
Don't be like me. Be smart.

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