Who likes aliens? (read first post and watch vid)

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sonicfreak94 said:
When did I post a music video?... o.o

You didnt post the music video, you posted a video someone made called "E.T Capturado Pela Nasa" about 7 posts up.
Someone just took scenes out of a music video, and titled it different.
I knew that he would sooner or later find out a fake video and believe it >:) Seriously, lastly he was trusting everything he found... >_>
Sik said:
I knew that he would sooner or later find out a fake video and believe it >:) Seriously, lastly he was trusting everything he found... >_>

Well, i cant blame anyone for that.

I thought the video I posted was real when I first saw it.
But after words I looked around and found out all the cast, directors and stuff.
I could also find faults in the film that gave its "fakeness" away.
Chaos said:
Loch Ness monster can just be some kinda giant fish thing. Or new species of animals breeding.

Close. The Loch ness monster is to be believed as a very long sea creature. No one knows what it is. No DNA data, skeletal remains, animal tissue samples have been found. Many answers are out there about it, from a ghostly brontosaurus in one photo I found. Some say it's a prehistoric sea serpent, and many other mysterious answers which are out there. The truth has not been answered whilst first discovered 75 years ago.

What I believe in this legend.

To what I believe in this legend. I think the mysterious creature would of been a prehistoric dinosaur-like called a Plesiosaur. A dinosaur which used to swim in big lakes. The UK years and years ago, some parts were actually rainforests, but they died off as the years came, but I don't think it is right. It's just what I think it is. The creature has a close resemblence to the monster.

UFO's I'm 50-50 of believing in them. If there is any actuall type of life form around, then I say Mars has it.

Ghosts however on the other side, I do believe. I've had a few experiences myself.
Hyperknux said:
To what I believe in this legend. I think the mysterious creature would of been a prehistoric dinosaur-like called a Plesiosaur. A dinosaur which used to swim in big lakes.

UFO's I'm 50-50 of believing in them. If there is any actuall type of life form around, then I say Mars has it.

Ghosts however on the other side, I do believe. I've had a few experiences myself.

I also have assumed a Plesiosaur was the loch ness monster.

Mars dosent have life on it. one of jupiters moons is said to though, its europa, under the miles of thick ice there is said to be microbes that could live near the heat of underwater thermal vents.
The magnetic field of jupiter strongenough to extend to the moon, and protect it against the suns radiation.

And as for ghosts, i have a hard time not believing, since almost every house i have lived in has been haunted, or just has a ghost or 2 walking around.
Sik said:
I knew that he would sooner or later find out a fake video and believe it >:) Seriously, lastly he was trusting everything he found... >_>

Not true at all. I don't show you everything I find >.>
Ahhhhhhh... Finally a Good video, but I think there already was a better proof of it wich is the Roswel incident, they say that aliien body was a ¨MONKEY¨... Well the monkeys have bigger ears, their feets are more like human hands, and their eyes have a form of a sphere rather than a human one, my point? goverment covers all proof of that, the video wasnt released untill ten or more years later so there was a proof of it but it was so covered that barely some people know of that video.

Im not posting the Link Because I want YOU to go by yourself an find it

Aliens dont come from Mars, they are humans from the future.


I´ve got sum photos of spaceships here, they travel at such a great speed that I coudnt see the spaceship, I only know because of the photo. Ill upload them some of this days.
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