I may very well have linked this before. I can't remember. Searching came up with nothing; either I never linked to it, or the original topic has long been deleted. At any rate, I'm linking it anew because I've done a massive amount of work on it.
What this is, essentially, is a quiz that tells you what Power Ranger you are and which Zord you'd use (from season 1 to 3 only). For those interested in the way the system is broken down, it classifies you by three major types and three minor ones. Major ones are Shade (Light, Dark, or Shadow, basically how good or evil you are), Level (Dino, Thunder, and Ninja, which tells how you react to situations), and your Color (your general personality decides your color). The minor ones are whether you're an attention-grabber or not, whether you're an active person or not, and whether you're a team player or not. Your level and color together decide your animal. The entire setup was designed by a fanfic author actually.
As far as the work done on it, I've taken the oppurtunity to completely change the format of the quiz. Instead of asking you blatantly obvious questions about your personality, the quiz now asks you 25 questions related to the PR universe; what you'd do in situations similar to what the Rangers went through at any given day. How you would fight an enemy in battle. What options you would use to fight them. How you would react to an enemy infiltrating your base. What you would do when a teammate got hurt or a mechanical device at base failed. What your response would be if you were chosen to be a Ranger, and who your team's leader would be. So on and so forth.
Doing it this way was exactly what I needed to get rid of the problems I've been having before, about how the quiz was skewed and had trouble pegging certain colors. Now it has no trouble at all; if you're a Purple or White Ranger, you'll know it properly. I think the quiz is also a lot more fun to take this way, what with all the hypothetical questions.
And yes, there was no Purple Ranger. That fanfic author needed another color to match the 8th possible personality in the editorial, so she made that one up, along with its three animals. She had to make up other animals too; the Green Ranger never had a Thunder or Ninjazord, and the White Ranger never had a Dinozord.
Other minor changes from the old version of the quiz abound. The quiz, in addition to telling you what type of Ranger you'd be, will give you examples of the color: various people from other shows and anime who are that color if they're already Rangers, or would be that color if they're not. Also, the quiz now takes streaks and helices into effect. The quiz operates by taking all your answers and adding 1 (or 2 or 3 if it's a more important question) to a variable set for each color, and the color with the highest number at the end is yours. If there's a second number that's 3 or less away from your main one, then you'd be the first color with streaks of the second. Last time I quizzed myself, I came up 16 for Blue, and the closest color behind me was 9 for Yellow, so the chances of anyone actually coming up as a streak are pretty rare. A helix is where a person gets an identical number for two colors; this is so rare as to be practically impossible. But the quiz takes it into account regardless.
Anyways, figured some of you may get a kick out of knowing what type of spandex-suited mecha-driving hero you'd be. Now your lives can be complete.
What this is, essentially, is a quiz that tells you what Power Ranger you are and which Zord you'd use (from season 1 to 3 only). For those interested in the way the system is broken down, it classifies you by three major types and three minor ones. Major ones are Shade (Light, Dark, or Shadow, basically how good or evil you are), Level (Dino, Thunder, and Ninja, which tells how you react to situations), and your Color (your general personality decides your color). The minor ones are whether you're an attention-grabber or not, whether you're an active person or not, and whether you're a team player or not. Your level and color together decide your animal. The entire setup was designed by a fanfic author actually.
As far as the work done on it, I've taken the oppurtunity to completely change the format of the quiz. Instead of asking you blatantly obvious questions about your personality, the quiz now asks you 25 questions related to the PR universe; what you'd do in situations similar to what the Rangers went through at any given day. How you would fight an enemy in battle. What options you would use to fight them. How you would react to an enemy infiltrating your base. What you would do when a teammate got hurt or a mechanical device at base failed. What your response would be if you were chosen to be a Ranger, and who your team's leader would be. So on and so forth.
Doing it this way was exactly what I needed to get rid of the problems I've been having before, about how the quiz was skewed and had trouble pegging certain colors. Now it has no trouble at all; if you're a Purple or White Ranger, you'll know it properly. I think the quiz is also a lot more fun to take this way, what with all the hypothetical questions.
And yes, there was no Purple Ranger. That fanfic author needed another color to match the 8th possible personality in the editorial, so she made that one up, along with its three animals. She had to make up other animals too; the Green Ranger never had a Thunder or Ninjazord, and the White Ranger never had a Dinozord.
Other minor changes from the old version of the quiz abound. The quiz, in addition to telling you what type of Ranger you'd be, will give you examples of the color: various people from other shows and anime who are that color if they're already Rangers, or would be that color if they're not. Also, the quiz now takes streaks and helices into effect. The quiz operates by taking all your answers and adding 1 (or 2 or 3 if it's a more important question) to a variable set for each color, and the color with the highest number at the end is yours. If there's a second number that's 3 or less away from your main one, then you'd be the first color with streaks of the second. Last time I quizzed myself, I came up 16 for Blue, and the closest color behind me was 9 for Yellow, so the chances of anyone actually coming up as a streak are pretty rare. A helix is where a person gets an identical number for two colors; this is so rare as to be practically impossible. But the quiz takes it into account regardless.
Anyways, figured some of you may get a kick out of knowing what type of spandex-suited mecha-driving hero you'd be. Now your lives can be complete.