Our wiki doesn't currently have some sort of tutorial to get you introduced to the language itself proper, let alone SRB2's take on Lua.
The wiki works more as a reference manual for the things you can do within SRB2 and what changed from base Lua, as well as
a refresher on the syntax of the language with several notes on how things should be structured like, but in no means a tutorial per-se.
Currently, there are some pages (some still being revised) that attempt to guide you through what you're able to do, such as creating custom abilities, but they still expect you to have an ounce of knowledge on how the language operates in first place.
There are
A LOT of Lua tutorials in the internet of varying quality and depth. Some in text form, some in video form.
You just have to look for them. Really, just do "lua tutorial" on any search engine and you're good to go.
Granted, they're not SRB2 specific (they don't tackle
the concept of SRB2 hooks for example), but they're still a great starter to the language itself.
Here's one of them. This one is a book aimed to beginners that gives you a little background on what Lua is, what tools to use to experiment, and more.
Lua/Syntax page on our wiki mentions the
Lua-Users tutorial.
The syntax page also makes mention of the
reference manual for Lua which, sure, does explain its syntax... but unless you have a good background in programming to understand the BNF notation, it will be useless to you. The manual is still useful to learn what do the stock functions do though.
By the way, most of the tutorials out there also
expect you to have enough curiosity to experiment with the language by yourself and to take breaks every once in a while - breaks here meaning "stop watching the tutorial for a bit, go play around with it". You can't just simply learn through copying word-by-word what other people do, thinking "oh okay" and going for the next section.
Languages are best learned by doing random one-off experiments to see what you can do and break. See why things error and learn to tackle those errors. See what works and why.
Hope this helps.
I have considered making my own tutorials, but uhhhhhhhhh
I'm the kind of person that'd make one go in circles if I tried to explain something