Where oh where has the time gone?

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Does it seem like time seems to go faster as the days go bye? Tick... Tock... Tick... tock... As all the fourms stay... Slightly active. I have obsorved and observed as a guest here on the fourms... And I must say. This one is the most boring by comparison of a large magority of other fourms. And yet... Time keeps going on. Changeing. New people keep logging in and out... All day long. Continuing all the little internet... Things.

Yes... My mind is my enemy and I decided to join for the hell of it.
Time doesn't exist.
It can seem to fly by and it can seem to be slow, it depends on what you are doing and how you perceive it.
When you have nothing to do, time seems to go by ever so slowly.
When you have a lot to get done, you wish there was more time.
Although this forum is boring to you, it isn't to others. That is why people log in and out and all day log.
Yes... Quite... Entertainment is one thing. One thing that is present yet hardly seen in this fourm. If any mod wants to know the secret to fixing this place up? WE NEED TO LAUGH. Reading all of these topics i have not yet poped a giggle. Nothing here is ever funny. Were all like robots with diferent opinios randomly posting on whatever we can.
Check the old How do I Jump subforum. it's very lulzy.
This forum isn't made for lulz, though. More like discussion, comments, opinions, criticism.
Trust me I have read through hdij. We dont need it back but if more topics that were ment to make us laugh came into place there would be a lot mroe traffic comeing through here.

Avatar neat... agreed?
There are already topics that make me laugh, that's just not what they were ment to be. Like whenever someone posts a character in progress that was made with the skill of a 3 year old.
HDiJ was supposed to make us laugh, but it turns out that 96% of this community fails at humor.
You know, I've actually noticed this too. I've heard that the older you get, the faster time seems to go...that might have something to do with it.
I remember the days when I was a wee little lad..those days went by fast....Now time goes slower to me.
And funny topics pop in here and there, but yeah.
I laugh all the time when reading this forum. Mostly at people's titles and signatures. Really though, why does this have to be a big deal? Are you supposed to be the forum's savior or what Negralb?
That came out of nowhere. Talk about random. I just came up with a name. I watched this place for.. oh.. about 8 months befiore decideing to join yesterday.

And no... I dont belive myself to be a saivor. But you take into acount that this is the ONLY and I mean ONLY fourm that dosent have smileys. I see the admins and mods as dictaitors. Im only a saivor if you want me to be. I notice things that the people here do not.
Negralb said:
But you take into acount that this is the ONLY and I mean ONLY fourm that dosent have smileys.

That was done because the MB was getting posts that consisted of 20% text and 80% :mrgreen:
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