My fifth hour is art. At my table, we let loose and talk about anything... But when I interject?...
Stupidly enough... I put on a pinch of my voice acting skills and act like a goofball.
In that class, I'm a dweeb. But at least that's the only class I'm weird in. But somehow I make these moments in class where people start calling me the coolest of them all. Moments like when I say, "Well, when did you realize you were a total loser..." I was joking, but man.... They still haven't forgotten that. They quote it anytime they find it appropriate now.
Momentarily, it seems I just have funny moments where at other points in my life, I'm just Greg. The entertainer that supports the misunderstood Sonic franchise that everyone is looking down upon as they play their copies of Call Of Duty....
But at least I'm not alone in school. My friend Terrence is somewhat the same way.... Cept.... He always tries to draw better than me. He draws anime and always tries to get Sonic looking better than how I do when I draw him. Oh to think, you should see our arguments and Art Battles (pretty much the equivalent to a Guitar Battle.)