whats your favourite level music

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no poll i hate typing so just tell me

mine is sonic adventure (tunes 42) NOW TELL ME YOURS or DIE!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: hahahahhahahahhahahahhahhahhahha *cough choke splutter* hahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhaha *cough fall over rooll around* he..l...p m.....eee.. pl...ea.....s....e
. Yes, that's it, just .

You do realize that there is already a "OMG wat yur fav museic lolz" topic, right?
littlejust said:
no poll i hate typing so just tell me

mine is sonic adventure (tunes 42) NOW TELL ME YOURS or DIE!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: hahahahhahahahhahahahhahhahhahha *cough choke splutter* hahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhaha *cough fall over rooll around* he..l...p m.....eee.. pl...ea.....s....e

*Calls Attorney*
Well that settles it, dunnit?

Anyway, I kinda like Wood Man's Theme, myself... Area 0 from Guardian Legend's catchy, too.
I'm pretty sure the topic was about SRB2's music, but who cares now? My favorite game tune would have to be... I dunno, something from the Jap Sonic CD. Quartz Quadrant present most likely, or something from Stardust Speedway. I can't choose.
fave SRB2 Music: Green Flower Zone 1
fave any Sonic Music: Metal Harbor (SA2)
fave any music whatsoever: Ha Ha You're Dead - Green Day
I'm pretty sure the topic was about SRB2's music, but who cares now? My favorite game tune would have to be... I dunno, something from the Jap Sonic CD. Quartz Quadrant present most likely, or something from Stardust Speedway. I can't choose.

The American scores for those respected zones are rather good too.
He wasn't quoting you.

Incidentally, you never mentioned your favorite VG music (ie: not limited to Sonic)...
firemario1001 said:
Metal Slug had a pretty powerful theme song. There's a really good remix of it on the web called "Rocket Lounger" (it's even better).

I always thought virt was kinda overrated, even though I love his Dr. Mario remix, "Funky Pills", to death.

On-Topic Edit: I really enjoy all the tracks from the NES game Super Dodge Ball. If anyone gets the chance, listen to the nsf.
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