What's your favorite cheese?

I'm lactose intolerant.
I like Hyper Mysterious Shadonic 123311 cheese.

View attachment 50976

Don't question it, m'kay?
Ah yes. Delicious :welcometoreleases:
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Yo how tf anyone here genuinely like American cheese. Shit's nasty.

It's a lighter cheddar mixed with other stuff to make it easier to mass produce and preserve, it tastes ok I guess, however I cannot stand the texture of it. It's slimy and it gets stuck in my teeth. I always feel so nasty after eating it.
Regular cheddar cheese is just better.

The question of favorite cheese, however, depends on the context.
With something like a hot brakburger, melted cheddar is absolutely the best.
But on a cold sandwich? Provalone is perfect for that.

...However, none of these compare to the absolute glory that is feta cheese on any Greek food at all. Seriously, that shit's the best.
Ayo (That's your opinion I don't judge)
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I'm lactose intolerant.
Me to but i barely eat cheese so i can eat it fine for now.
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oh yeah, those ones, forgot the name though XD
Lol what
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i don't care about cheese
That's ok :threat:
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Words out if you like srb2 you p’re either an American cheese degenerate or a super snob with several favorites

mine is monterey jack
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I dont like cheese
That's also ok :threat:
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I'm lactose intolerant.
I feel bad. You don't get to have the tastiness of cheese :(
I like Hyper Mysterious Shadonic 123311 cheese.

View attachment 50976

Don't question it, m'kay?
how does it taste like? ultimate power?

Alright I got a bit carried away, what was this post for again? My second favorite cheese? oh yeah. My second favorite cheese is Cheddar cheese, especially Eden cheese.
I'm ok with ordinary cheddar when it's heated up and used with something else, but I've come to prefer savory cheddar in a lot of cases.

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