Whats the most scared youve ever been?

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Playing Fatal Frame. :P
Or, the time when I was in our old car with my uncle when he was 4, I was 3. I kicked something and the car started rolling back. Not that scary.

I was left strapped in our other car, forgotten, and that it was on fire. So, yeah, I'm still alive.
I have a few.

1) This is both the best thing and a somewhat scary thing, I was with my dad (He doesn't live with us because him and our mom weren't married my sister didn't come because to her, he's an (bleep)hole) we were on his boat and he let me drive. While driving I almost hit: Two rocks, a few boats, an island, and a seagull. this was summer last year. It was probably more scary for him than me. :P
2) The other would be the fact that ghost are in my house and when we evict (Remove) one, another moves in. And they almost always head into the bathroom.
3) Another one was a ghost in my grandparents house that my sister saw, I only saw the light from it, she said it was holding a candle in one of those old candle holders and it was in a victorian nightgown.(My grandparents house has been there for a while)
4) The last one was also last year when me and my sis had to do the trash at night, we were coming back and we see two figures running towards us, we were freaking out so we ran inside and told our mom. We all go out to see if they were still there, turns out it was a few kids I knew at my schooland they were taking the complex we live in as a shortcut to there houses.

Oh yeah! another thing that scares me... My old school which had a HORRIBLE bullying problem that they told no one about 'cuz the head teacher of the grade I was in didn't tell any other teachers for fear that she would lose her "Money Clips" if any of the parents knew of the horrible bullying problem. At that same school there was also a threat on my life but I don't want to discuss it. :'(
Today i was scanning my computer and i found 13 Trojans!!!And when i found one and the volume was turned on i just got FREAKED OUT!
The opening to SRB2JTE, first time I saw it I thought my computer crashed, but came a very freaky face that reminds me of someone on here. After that I hid under the desk for ten minutes. XD
Probably at my school camp, you walk backwards on a log 30 feet in the air, then turn sideways and lean back...
How can you prove it? You never seen it happened.

It could had been a dream but it seem and felt real.

It was 3 ghosts with the word snuggie brothers on top and the middle one almost jumped out until I moved out the bed.

A person can't never prove anything unless they seen it.
Princess Solelias said:
How can you prove it? You never seen it happened.

It could had been a dream but it seem and felt real.

It was 3 ghosts with the word snuggie brothers on top and the middle one almost jumped out until I moved out the bed.

A person can't never prove anything unless they seen it.

How can YOU prove it.
That should be the question. :P
Slap me if Im doing it wrong.
I was most scared when playing a maze game on lvl 3 with the volume high.
I ran into a wall and a zombie picture came up and screamed.
Well,thats all I remember scary.
Weird thing happened to me earlier today

Well this is how my Friends got scared in something that involves me.

WARNING: All who are Scared of "Bloody Mary", do not read the rest of this post!

Well my cousins, their friends, and I were talking about scary stuff, and then me and my cousins talked about this youtube video. So they watched it. They got freaked out.

Then my friend told me about "Bloody Mary" (she's just as real as the Tails Doll). So we went up to an empty apartment next to my cousins'. After I tried to scare them, I closed my eyes, span around and said Bloody Mary three times. They ran screaming.

I walked back to the rest and my Cousin talked me about spirits (Pffft), and then we walked back to the stairs.

One girl had dropped her book on purpose, and then hid. As I was the bravest, I looked for her, and as I hit a corner (not a street corner) I saw her running to my right. After that many people did it, and then we ate.

My cousins and I had a conversation at dinner about how we would do it too. We had a plan.

So, when we wen back outside, I went and hid once, but my cousin found me and said to find another spot. So I walked past two apartment buildings, and hid behind some bushes.

10 minutes later I left the bushes out of boredom.when I walked back I found that everyone was looking for me. So I said I was fine, and everyone came back.


(Please note this happened earlier today)
Wait, what was scary about that? You have to explain your story a bit better Astar, it didn't seem that clear to me...
Every day, when I realise just how close to death I was.

Soon after birth, I had obvious breathing problems; gasping for breath, pale skin, etc. My oesophagus was wrapp around my windpipe.

I wasn't even a year old at the time, I had many operations to correct it. I still have the scars, nearly 17 years later.

Not a nice thought, really.
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