Shuffle said:
Ritz said:
Okay, I was Zim and there was this Tails player 9000 fracunits in the air, right, so then I jumped into the air and I slapped him and his face fell off.
^With my penis
And then his chest imploded.
I don't think any levels exist that are 9000 fracunits high. :P
I don't think slapping somebody with your penis would make them implode.
I was having fun in Zim's base once when I found that climbing on certain parts of the back of the giant stupid monkey show TV and switching to first person mode would allow me to see through the TV and watch the entire room from some fairly good safety, so long as you keep track of all the players in the room so they can't accedentally spot you going up to the top of the TV. ... ... ... Okay, so that has nothing to do with a kill. Lemmie try again.
There was one time when I was being chased by a Tails, so I decided to climb this wall, see... And of course he started to fly, and he would easily fly up higher then me in two seconds and shoot me from almost point blank. I knew this would happen, as this happened to me several times already, so the moment I heard him start to fly, I jumped off the wall, which instantly turns you around a full 180 degrees, shot blindly at the camera, hitting him and knocking him clear out of the sky. Then I went into a glide, turned around, and went on my merry way climbing up the wall again.
Another time, Y2Jake/Tailsdoll and I were messing around climbing on walls together and stuff. He climbed to my exact position and shot me off the wall. I ran back to the wall, stood directly under him, aimed straight up, and shot him off the wall myself. So there. Nya!