Space Channel 5: Season 3
Just a new game... PLEASE. D: The game was insanely wacky, fun to play and had some of the best music I've ever heard. We've got us the Kinect. It'd work perfect guys. COME ON!
Actually... I'm not quite sure about it, but from what I've seen, Tetsuya Mizugichi stopped making games under SEGA, so I have no idea if it will happen... But I can hope gaiz.
I would say ReZ:2, but we're getting Child of Eden in June, so we've got that covered~ ...But so far, I liked ReZ's soundtrack better. D: I mean... the trance isn't bad... But ReZ sounded better. Maybe they'll give us some ReZ Area DLC. That'd be great to try with the new system~
I wouldn't mind a re:release of the original Spyro trilogy. It'd be great as an XBLA/PSN/WiiVC title, but improved graphics wouldn't bug me.... if they did it right. :U
A Sonic game with a Chao Garden cuz that was the best ALife system I've ever used.
NiGHTS 3, done right. JoD needs redemption. Unfortunately, Yuji Naka dun work for SEGA anymore and he's making his "spiritual successor" to NiGHTS, but it has generic anime characters and just... doesn't feel the same...
Maybe a NiGHTS game like the minigame on SEGA SuperStars for Eyetoy. Again.... We have the Kinect.... We need GOOD GAMES for it.
Sonic FreeRiders 2
Loved the game, but it received terrible ratings, so I'm guessing the Rider's series is sort of... dead.