GemEarthBrandon, most harddrives can't hold ONE terrabyte, let alone more than one. You're obviously lying. I mean, the most expensive and modern harddrives today could hold 1TB or more. For you to have one folder that is double that amount, and then being able to balance all of your other applications would be maybe 2.5TB or so. That's a ridiculous, absurd amount, that is most likely a fabrication.
Why would your SRB2 folder hold these video files? Also, why does the size matter? Just because your folder wields a heavier burden on your harddisk doesn't mean anything other than you're obviously not good at optimizing for space. I don't think there are enough wads to even fill 2.2TB. Replacing the T with a G is a very clever endevour at trying to boost your points, but it's not worth the trouble of lying, now is it?
Considering the size, if you had every wad for SRB2 not counting lame stuff like music wads, it would only be a max of 7~10% of that 2.2TB, and that's being generous.