Skull. Tag. And the Hexen demo :3
Ironic thing about Skulltag is that anyone rarely plays it (the gametype itself) from what I know. I'm mainly a GvH fan, and I can make a mean the right conditions of course. If not I'm either Jitterskull or Choke. As humans, I'm also a pretty nasty Hunter in some cases. Ice arrows for the win, or if it's Arcade Souls (my personal fav) I can do rape with fire arrows. Specially bots. Cyborg, eh...depends. Can kill, but not really good against a Sjas. Also, there are some hackers on the loose in Oblacek which gets me anoyyed. (CURSE YOU AKAMA AND MOBIUS! CURSE YOUUUUUUUU!)
AOW2 is also pretty neat, and even moreso because the one server that hosts it is british. This means lower ping than even in Oblacek for me while others get 200+ ping >:D
Seriously, I hate the way C-Lag plays in Skulltag. You appear to move normally, but you're actually slightly behind yourself (in other words, the server picks you up as slightly behind in comparison to you), which gets on my nerves.
Also, Monstermod. Sjasface/Choke/InsanitySpider rape anyone?