What does *YO* Autoexec.cfg look like?

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alias "sknchng" "st"
alias "ss" "skin sonic; alias sknchng st"
alias "st" "skin tails; alias sknchng sk"
alias "sk" "skin knuckles; alias sknchng ss"
bind "1" "toggle netstat"
bind "2" "toggle chasecam"
bind "0" "getplayernum"
bind "keypad -" "changeteam 1; changeteam 2; say /me has killed himself so that you can't do it for him"
bind "3" "sknchng"
name hotdog003
color dark_blue
bind "shift" "wait 2; tlsddge"
exec cam.txt
exec rex.txt
Mine contains more then that, but that code is rather classified, and Shadowstar would kill me if I told.
 alias camreset "cam_dist 120; wait 1; cam_dist 110; wait 1; cam_dist 100; wait 1; cam_dist 90; wait 1; cam_dist 80; wait 1; cam_dist 70; wait 1; cam_dist 60; wait 1; cam_dist 50; wait 1; cam_dist 40; wait 1; cam_dist 30; wait 1; cam_dist 20; wait 1; cam_dist 10; wait 1; cam_dist 0; chasecam off; wait 1; chasecam on; wait 1; cam_dist 10; wait 1; cam_dist 20; wait 1; cam_dist 30; wait 1; cam_dist 40; wait 1; cam_dist 50; wait 1; cam_dist 60; wait 1; cam_dist 70; wait 1; cam_dist 80; wait 1; cam_dist 90; wait 1; cam_dist 100; wait 1; cam_dist 110; wait 1; cam_dist 120; wait 1; cam_dist 128; wait 1; cam_rotate 0;"
 alias netplayer "color dark_red; name Digiku; skin sonic;"
 alias screencap "cls; screenshot; cls;"
 alias altcam "chasecam 1; cam_dist 128;"
 alias normcam "chasecam 0;"
 bind e altcam
 bind q normcam
 bind h camreset 
 bind \ screencap
 bind "keypad 5" "netplayer"
 bind "keypad +" "exec test.cfg"
 bind "keypad ." "analog off"

That huge alias line right there is SRB2's old camreset code. I keep it around because I find it more helpful than the current camreset.

Btw, can you put quotes within an alias? Say, I try to go alias random "skin sonic; setcontrol "forward" "UP ARROW";", yet it doesn't work.
alias random "skin sonic; exec SCFUP.txt"

setcontrol forward "up arrow"

You would be able to do it w/ another alias, execpt for the fact you used the up arrow, which is 2 words.

EDIT: (To Hotdog) Yes you can. :P
No you can't, but I'd like SRB2 to have PHP-style magic quotes, e.x. "Bind 'space' 'screenshot; cls' "

You don't need quotes if you don't have any spaces, which is why I alias all the stuff.
bind z "chasecam 1; analog 0"
bind x "chasecam 0; analog 0"
soniccd 1
gr_filtermode trilinear
SonicCD rarely toggles, though. In fact, I don't think it EVER toggles.
Hey Shadow Hog, try this:

bind z chase0
alias chase1 "chasecam 1; bind z chase0" 
alias chase0 "chasecam 0; bind z chase1" 
soniccd 1 
gr_filtermode trilinear
color green
name "SRB2-Playah"
name2 "SRB2-Playah2"
color2 green
skin knuckles
skin2 knuckles
say "Hi!"
bind "keypad 8" "camon"
bind "keypad 2" "camoff"
bind ` "srb2color; srb2name; srb2skin"
alias srb2color "color green"
alias srb2name "name srb2-playah"
alias srb2skin "skin knuckles"
bind z "skin sonic"
bind x "skin tails"
bind c "skin knuckles"
alias camon "chasecam off"
alias camoff "chasecam on"
bind "keypad 5" "camreset"
alias camreset "cam_rotate 0; cam_height 20; cam_dist 128"
bind h "say Hi!"
bind b "say Bye!"
alias what "say What?"
alias tag "Let's play tag!"
alias match "Let's do Match!"
alias ctf "Let's play CTF!"
bind a "say Nice one."
bind 1 "exec Tunes.txt"
bind 2 "exec Gravity.txt"
bind 3 "exec Cam_Height.txt; echo Not ready yet"
bind 4 "exec Cam_Dist.txt; echo Not ready yet"
bind 5 "echo No control set to 5"
bind 6 "echo No control set to 6"
bind 7 "echo No control set to 7"
bind 8 "echo No control set to 8"
bind 9 "echo No control set to 9"
bind 0 "echo No control set to 0"
bind - "echo No control set to -"
bind = "echo No control set to ="
bind backspace "echo You are in Control select, dolt!"
bind , "screenshot"
bind y "say Why?"
bind p "say awesome!"
bind l "say Laaaaaaaaag..."
bind ] listserv
bind k "ringslinger yes; echo ringslinger on"
bind l "ringslinger no; echo Ringslinger off"
alias sonichero "connect"
alias ip "echo Sonichero-; echo graig-; echo gir-"
alias craig "connect"
alias gir "connect"
bind , screenshot
I have seperate scripts set to the number keys. I just haven't made them yet. :roll:
At the bottom, that's where I've got some people's IP logged. So if they're hosting, just type in their name.
I should update this script sometime...
 alias camoff "chasecam 0; crosshair 1; alwaysmlook 1;"
 alias camon "chasecam 1; crosshair 0; alwaysmlook 0;"
 alias cheat "noclip; god;"
 bind 1 "skin sonic"
 bind 2 "skin tails"
 bind 3 "skin knuckles"
 bind 9 "changeteam red"
 bind 0 "changeteam blue"
 bind z camoff
 bind x camon
 bind c screenshot
 bind v cheat
 bind b god
I stole Mystic's Config.cfg a while back, so it's pretty much the same.
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