What do you actually do with SRB2?

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Get pwn't on Jazz's Dedicaated Server.

Make 3D HMS123311 armies with the JTEBOTs (You said SRB2. SRB2JTE is part of SRB2.)
(used to) i would RPG with my brother on 2 player mode with levels and characters i made and never released.
or just play it =P
I... Don't play SRB2 that much. I would love to be testing out stuff like the MS-MOTD and such, but I know that won't happen to me.
Sonict said:
I... Don't play SRB2 that much. I would love to be testing out stuff like the MS-MOTD and such, but I know that won't happen to me.

Poor Sonict... >:)

I code SRB2Live, guess what I do in the game? =P
light dasher said:
(used to) i would RPG with my brother on 2 player mode with levels and characters i made and never released.
or just play it =P

you've got to be kidding....
just one mode.
Capture The Flag a.k.a CTF
Netgames, testing out wads/socs/exe mods, and speedruns. And I sometimes mess around with DoomBuilder.

Yeah, I don't do much with SRB2.
I play on Jazz's dedicated server, design graphical things, and design levels (been a little less a priority recently though). I played Mystic Realm for a time but gave up on the emblems when I became busy with other things.
Bit of everything. Netgaming, level making, and character making.
Mostly level making, although sometimes I'll get bored and do the occasional netgame. Oh, and make videos of course.
Guys, forum life fails. :(

As for me, I'm still here because of the developer community. Playing SRB2 for the heck of it isn't exactly interesting any more.
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