As you may or May not be aware, Zash died Recently. Well, someone decided to try and Fake a "Rise from the Dead" routine, completely unaware that People know he's Dead. This Person, Stupid as he is, Decided to Hack into Zash's MSN account. He started with me, and said that He lied about Dying, Yadda yadda.
Then I got an Email from him.
As soon as I opened the Email, a recently acquired Virus Protection started Freaking out because I opened it. It blocked a Collection of 42 Trojan Viruses. So, if he adds you on MSN or sends you an Email, you have Been Warned: This is a Faker, and it's trying to Destroy your Computer.
The Email to beware of:
Then I got an Email from him.
As soon as I opened the Email, a recently acquired Virus Protection started Freaking out because I opened it. It blocked a Collection of 42 Trojan Viruses. So, if he adds you on MSN or sends you an Email, you have Been Warned: This is a Faker, and it's trying to Destroy your Computer.
The Email to beware of: