where can you download a wad maker exept for this site???
the link doesnt work for me
the link doesnt work for me
It does, "Save Map Into" in fact. Just create a copy of a level (preferably MAP01 or something) then open up all the levels you want and save it into that one WAD for a quick MegaWAD, rippin' and rearin' to go.Mystic said:DoomBuilder may have such a feature, but I've never used it personally.
When does it do this?Shadow Hog said:I'm fairly certain [DoomBuilder] likes to make Things drop down to the floor automatically, which kinda defeats the purpose of ObjectPlace; thus WadAuthor's ability to NOT do that is rather appealing.
Yeah, but if it's supposed to be a MegaWAD, certainly using MAINCFG instead wouldn't hurt.I remember "Save Map Into" screwing up my wad in some way last time I tried it. In fairness, that was with an old version, though. Does it still overwrite map headers? Because that makes any lump management it provides rather inconvenient.