The lower case lumpnames are the sprites you have named:
****b7 and
NOT ****A1-8 and ****B1-8
To maintain a lower case lumpname, download the newest version of XWE, which allows lowercase lumpnames, or do what I did and download Hex Editor.
If you get Hex Editor (link on the wiki), then do the following:
-Open up the wad with Hex Editor
-Scroll down the funky letterings in the RIGHT selection
-Find the letterings that read out as PLAY(or whatever you have in place of my previous ****)A1-8 and B1-8 the SECOND TIME, and type a's in place of the A's, and b's in place of the B's. You should only have to do this 10 times, anymore than this, and you edited the standing sprites too, which would have come before all of the ****c# through ****`# sprites.