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hi people... this is my first post and im new to srb2. Iwas just wonderin if anybody could tell me on how to make my own levels, characters, and enemies.

i might be being greedy here... but i would like to ask if anyone could give me a guide on how to do it plz.

Id appreciate it. Thanx
first time i didn't either but there is no better guide i think :eek:
i just pressed some buttons on xwe and now i know
See the two stickies, "How to Make a Character WAD" and "Level Editing 101"? Maybe you should, you know, click them D:
sedward said:
lol yea... and also i dont no how to use xwe... im very very new to this kinda stuff lol.
Ok, very recently ANYONE could figure out XWE in a few minutes. Where are all these people who can't figure it out coming from?!
We have tutorials on the website and the forum for the exact purpose of not having to deal with these topics. Lock.
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