So, I've noticed an interesting thing between my singleplayer, and multiplayer.
I run SRB2 Linux. As such, the mouse doesn't respond in the game. However, I do have a Saitek P2500 as an alternative. My game kept crashing (seems TiMidity++ midi doesn't like us) and I decided to test it in singleplayer. However, upon beginning to play, I noticed that the analog stick was using the Mousemove gimmick (the one where if turned on, moving the mouse from left to right would allow Sonic to turn and move left or right. Not strafe.) and after a while, I went "Awesome" an proceeded to multiplayer. But I learned that the joypad was using my standard setup (Forward/backward/turning on analog stick) and this is a hard setup, because the stick can be quite sensitive. Is it possible to use the mousemove gimmick online with a joypad?
I run SRB2 Linux. As such, the mouse doesn't respond in the game. However, I do have a Saitek P2500 as an alternative. My game kept crashing (seems TiMidity++ midi doesn't like us) and I decided to test it in singleplayer. However, upon beginning to play, I noticed that the analog stick was using the Mousemove gimmick (the one where if turned on, moving the mouse from left to right would allow Sonic to turn and move left or right. Not strafe.) and after a while, I went "Awesome" an proceeded to multiplayer. But I learned that the joypad was using my standard setup (Forward/backward/turning on analog stick) and this is a hard setup, because the stick can be quite sensitive. Is it possible to use the mousemove gimmick online with a joypad?