Sorry, I mean so called "Linedef special info"FOF? Linedef types 317 and 441 have nothing to do with FOFs.
Unlockable 1
Name = Custom Unlockable
Objective = Jump on RedXVI's roof three times!
Type = Pandora
Height = 20
ConditionSet = 1
ConditionSet 1
Condition1 = Trigger 1
MainCFG Category
gamedata = Anti2.dat
Unlockable 1
Name = Area select
Height = 20
ConditionSet = 1
ConditionSet 1
Condition1 = Trigger 1
Level 1
Levelname = ANTILAND
Act = 0
TypeOfLevel = Singleplayer, custom
LevelSelect = 1
RecordAttack = true
NextLevel = 1101
SkyNum = 21
MusicSlot = -1
weather = 0
NoZone = true
LevelFlags = 24
ForceCharacter = Sonic
SubTitle = Welcome to nowhere
I'm not sure what you mean by that. What exactly are you trying to do with linedef type 317?317 doesn't work if I shut down the game or go to the title.
I'm not sure what you mean by that. What exactly are you trying to do with linedef type 317?
That's how it works. Triggers aren't saved anywhere and are gone as soon as you stop playing. If you need something to stick, make it an unlockable.It works only if I haven't reloaded the map.