Uncyclopedia Entry/srb2fun

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I have no idea where this post came from, as it certainly wasn't here before.

My, this sure does make me look silly.
Uh yeah sorry for the double post. I was on a computer with Limewire on, so IE was running slow and kept messing up. Thats when I gave up and just quitted IE.
I added in the fact that whenever I take a hiatus from the internets, IRC community go boom boom.
Chaos Zero 64 said:
I like Logan more than Alam. He's more mature.

Same here. His poking is getting annoying. I should put him on my ignore list. (I know, that won't help much, but I don't care. >_>)
If Spazzo gets a REAL voice, it's time to migrate to another channel.
If he gets Ops, then it's time to migrate to another network, and keep Spazzo uninformed :P
...i am opped in #mariokartDS, which at times is more popular than #srb2fun *wittnesses the migration*
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